Overall the style and color of bike is great! the only problem I have noticed the most is that you can hear the sound of the roller chains it sounds like it is loose and wants to fall off .
Expected alot more being a brand name bike. Gear set and deraulers are terrible, cheap. Rest of bike good enough for 4 stars for entry level mountain bike.
This bike was very hard to put together. Once everything was put together bike wasnt working properly. I had to pay a professional 100 to get it in running condition. and gave me no response or resolution.
I like the bike but after about 15 miles of riding a clicking sound started coming from the crank once every revolution. 150 dollars and a new crank later the clicking is gone.
Is a nice bike for the price but came with a defective part.
Bought it thru three weeks ago. I am able to assemble it by watching youtube video(manual is terrible) on my own but not good to ride / I have to bring it to a local bike shop to get tune/up which costs me an extra 70 bucks. After it gets a tune/up, the bike is fantastic! I love it.
Purchasing a bike in person is better
Overall the style and color of bike is great! the only problem I have noticed the most is that you can hear the sound of the roller chains it sounds like it is loose and wants to fall off .
Big name, little value
Expected alot more being a brand name bike. Gear set and deraulers are terrible, cheap. Rest of bike good enough for 4 stars for entry level mountain bike.
This bike was very hard to put together. Once everything was put together bike wasnt working properly. I had to pay a professional 100 to get it in running condition. and gave me no response or resolution.
150 later.
I like the bike but after about 15 miles of riding a clicking sound started coming from the crank once every revolution. 150 dollars and a new crank later the clicking is gone. Is a nice bike for the price but came with a defective part.
I Like The Bike.
Ride on!
My son love his new bicycle!
Great bike but need to get tuned/up
Bought it thru three weeks ago. I am able to assemble it by watching youtube video(manual is terrible) on my own but not good to ride / I have to bring it to a local bike shop to get tune/up which costs me an extra 70 bucks. After it gets a tune/up, the bike is fantastic! I love it.
Wifes bike. She loves it.
Assembly was simple. Good quality for the price.
Great bike
Easy to out together. Great bike
Good Price for good quality
Easy to assemble and derailleur was properly calibrated.
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