Looks nice and sturdy. it took forever to put together but once you get the headboards done it goes pretty fast. The set is beautiful. The only flaw is that the ladder didnt have a way to connect it at the bottom, just the top so it feels kind of flimsy.
thanks great product. Every piece was there, but some parts were mislabeled which made trouble when building it (took longer to figure out which pieces they actually were than it should have). Some pieces are a little tough to piece together, but with a little umph and a helping hand they are snug and sturdy.
Looks solid, easy to assemble. It took quite a bit of time to put together. The stickers on it are a pain to get off. Otherwise it seems to be a pretty good and pretty sturdy bed.
Good quality. Got these for my spare bedroom, I love it. I like how you can separate the bunk and also convert it back. Construction was easy but took a while. The instructions were wrong and left out some steps putting the slats correctly together on the head board. But honestly, it was totally worth the price!!!
Beautiful set, time consuming to put together but not too hard
Looks nice and sturdy. it took forever to put together but once you get the headboards done it goes pretty fast. The set is beautiful. The only flaw is that the ladder didnt have a way to connect it at the bottom, just the top so it feels kind of flimsy.
Good quality for price but Mislabeled parts
thanks great product. Every piece was there, but some parts were mislabeled which made trouble when building it (took longer to figure out which pieces they actually were than it should have). Some pieces are a little tough to piece together, but with a little umph and a helping hand they are snug and sturdy.
Nice quality
easy assemble, exactly as expected, space saver. My kids love this its super sturdy and beautiful
Professional Assembly Required
Interesting. Piece broke during assembly
takes awhile to put together
Looks solid, easy to assemble. It took quite a bit of time to put together. The stickers on it are a pain to get off. Otherwise it seems to be a pretty good and pretty sturdy bed.
Nice beds, good quality, good style
Good quality. Got these for my spare bedroom, I love it. I like how you can separate the bunk and also convert it back. Construction was easy but took a while. The instructions were wrong and left out some steps putting the slats correctly together on the head board. But honestly, it was totally worth the price!!!
Exceeded my expectations
Value for money. Very sturdy
good and excellent
Value for the money!
Great! Great value for the money. Would totally recommend these and buy them again.
Difficult to assemble
Good quality. Difficult to assemble.
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