This is a good looking, sturdy bed frame. There was a minor hiccup in putting it together and the seller almost immediately responded to my emailed concerns and quickly rectified the problem. Thanks so much! As described would buy again.
First of all, buy this bed frame! Its aming cute and its also super easy to assemble. All of the parts come labeled. The instructions are pictures only though, so if you like to read maybe this isnt for you. It comes with everything you need. I would recommend having a power drill because youll need it towards the end. Its super sturdy and doesnt squeak at all. Its 100 worth the money as long as you follow the directions It works.
This is pretty but broke too fast, first there was 3 week delay on the packaging and a hassle to get it
and now its literally broken 29 days after. The first week it was already breaking apart.
The headboard and frame look nice enough but I have no idea what the actual bed looks like when its put together because it didnt come with assembly instructions.
Low quality material
It was very difficult to install.
Missing 5 pieces!!!!
I love this bed but I came without 5 number ten pieces. I sent a message to the company so hopefully I can get the bed in working order soon!
Nice bed frame at a decent price
This is a good looking, sturdy bed frame. There was a minor hiccup in putting it together and the seller almost immediately responded to my emailed concerns and quickly rectified the problem. Thanks so much! As described would buy again.
Aming Bed!
First of all, buy this bed frame! Its aming cute and its also super easy to assemble. All of the parts come labeled. The instructions are pictures only though, so if you like to read maybe this isnt for you. It comes with everything you need. I would recommend having a power drill because youll need it towards the end. Its super sturdy and doesnt squeak at all. Its 100 worth the money as long as you follow the directions It works.
Good appearance
Sturdy. But slats need some tweaking to fit. Did not need to cut any slats. Works well.
Love this
Only real con is it sits a little low to the ground for me other then that its great so far Very durable.
Terrible dont buy
This is pretty but broke too fast, first there was 3 week delay on the packaging and a hassle to get it and now its literally broken 29 days after. The first week it was already breaking apart.
Didnt come with instructions
The headboard and frame look nice enough but I have no idea what the actual bed looks like when its put together because it didnt come with assembly instructions.
Easy to build up
My son love his bed know he talking about he needs a throne Very good value.
So soft !!
There were a few rips in the hopolstrey but they arent visible once the bed was put together. Very very soft material! Assembled Quickly.
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