works great. Great bed for the price. Stream Lee happy with this purchase. Very sturdy. Ive seen 4 or 5 kids on it together and it was fine. I have no worries about it holding more than enough weight that we will ever put on it. It feels and looks great. The height is perfect. Just enough room to be useful underneath, and not so high that you are you close to the ceiling.
My daughter love it!!! Just finished putting this bed together, it was very easy, it took me and my husband less than an hour. Seems pretty sturdy, and we are able to put several of our grandsons toys under it. The round ladder rungs are hard on my feet, but kids dont seem to notice as much. All in all, worth the money.
Fast service. Bought this bed for my 12 year old son. He has a small room and wanted more space, but hes growing older so I didnt want something too expensive since his preferences will change soon.
Bed came on time. The pieces were mostly in good shape except a few poles that had become misshaped and did fit into place. Needed to reshape them to assemble the bed.
Didnt take too long and was fairly easy once the pieces were reshaped.
One screw came out of the safety rails and the ladder, which didnt attached too well, had a rubber piece come out due to a small misalignment of screws (manufacturing error I guess).
Overall my son loves the bed. Seems sturdy enough for now and can hold both of us. Im still cautious and ask him not to be too rough getting in and out.
I bought this bed frame because I moved into a small apartment with minimal space. This would be nice for a very small child but it definitely cannot hold the 550lbs the seller claimed ad it is very wobbly even for a small child. Very disappointed.
Assembling. I bought this bed for my 6 year old son to sleep on, and the lower height is perfect for him. Comes with everything needed to build it, and is easy to assemble.
Extremely happy with this
works great. Great bed for the price. Stream Lee happy with this purchase. Very sturdy. Ive seen 4 or 5 kids on it together and it was fine. I have no worries about it holding more than enough weight that we will ever put on it. It feels and looks great. The height is perfect. Just enough room to be useful underneath, and not so high that you are you close to the ceiling.
Good bed for the cost.
My daughter love it!!! Just finished putting this bed together, it was very easy, it took me and my husband less than an hour. Seems pretty sturdy, and we are able to put several of our grandsons toys under it. The round ladder rungs are hard on my feet, but kids dont seem to notice as much. All in all, worth the money.
Love it
Love it. Son loves it and hands blankets around it so the bottom can be a club house! Very easy to assemble.
this i a good product.
Save some money and buy this. My son likes his bed and it seems to be holding up just fine for now
Not too bad for the price
Fast service. Bought this bed for my 12 year old son. He has a small room and wanted more space, but hes growing older so I didnt want something too expensive since his preferences will change soon. Bed came on time. The pieces were mostly in good shape except a few poles that had become misshaped and did fit into place. Needed to reshape them to assemble the bed. Didnt take too long and was fairly easy once the pieces were reshaped. One screw came out of the safety rails and the ladder, which didnt attached too well, had a rubber piece come out due to a small misalignment of screws (manufacturing error I guess). Overall my son loves the bed. Seems sturdy enough for now and can hold both of us. Im still cautious and ask him not to be too rough getting in and out.
Not very sturdy
I bought this bed frame because I moved into a small apartment with minimal space. This would be nice for a very small child but it definitely cannot hold the 550lbs the seller claimed ad it is very wobbly even for a small child. Very disappointed.
Have 2 people to assemble
Expected. I bought this for my grandson. He loves it. The head room was not as much as I would like but, he said it was fine
Loft bed for lower ceilings
Assembling. I bought this bed for my 6 year old son to sleep on, and the lower height is perfect for him. Comes with everything needed to build it, and is easy to assemble.
Good deal and was easy to put together. Very good bed. We love it.
Fast delivery
I love it space saver I am back to buy another one. Fast delivery. A little complicated to assemble. Good quality
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