Better directions.This product was very simple to assemble and they also included an assortment of extra parts, some of which were needed as I didnt receive enough to complete the assembly without them. All in all its quite sturdy and my daughter likes the space underneath as her little hideaway. The rungs on the ladder are a little small in diameter and are a little painful on the feet. I padded them with a couple of pieces of pipe insulation foam and some colored duct tape.problem solved.
Very nice.Daughter loves it. Came in not damaged. Definitely easier with another helper for putting together. Took my wife and I about 1.5 hours to assemble. Use a cordless drill with extensions for Allen head bits.
Would definitely buy again. If you live in a building with no elevator and the box gets dropped off downstairs good luck bringing it upstairs. The box is SUPER heavy. The bed took 3 hours to put together with 1.5 people (my son passed me the pieces).
Overall I really like this bed. It fits nicely in my sons room and seems fairly sturdy. The only thing I would change about the bed (besides the time it took to put it together) is the width of the desk, it could be a few inches wider. A nice accessory or add/on feature to consider is a sliding keyboard shelf that attaches under the desk.
Make sure you measure your space before you purchase the bed.
Use caution getting up from a chair when sitting at the desk or you will hit your head.
You might want to have a pair of sturdy slippers on to go up and down the ladder. Your feet will definitely hurt.
Id definitely recommend this bed. Its good for making the most out of a small space
Easy to assemble. Very sturdy. Shipment was told 5/7 days but I received it in 3. Its a little shaky but other than that. My 10 years old love it!! So much more space in her room.
Best purchase yet! Just beware of the white colour. Not a true white. It has a slightly creamy tone to the white. Just a little bit different than the pictures.
Also / helpful hint Make sure that you have the bed in the proper final position before you finish assembly Its a big box once its together, and you cant turn it around in a narrow room! Ask me how I know
Awesome for my kid
Love it. My 9 years old son loved it and comfortable. No shake , stay strong loft bed with desk and beautiful blue color
Easy to assemble. Needs some padding for the ladder rungs.
Better directions.This product was very simple to assemble and they also included an assortment of extra parts, some of which were needed as I didnt receive enough to complete the assembly without them. All in all its quite sturdy and my daughter likes the space underneath as her little hideaway. The rungs on the ladder are a little small in diameter and are a little painful on the feet. I padded them with a couple of pieces of pipe insulation foam and some colored duct tape.problem solved.
Good purchase for kids with average size rooms. Gives them more flor space
Very nice.Daughter loves it. Came in not damaged. Definitely easier with another helper for putting together. Took my wife and I about 1.5 hours to assemble. Use a cordless drill with extensions for Allen head bits.
Good quality bed for the price
Would definitely buy again. If you live in a building with no elevator and the box gets dropped off downstairs good luck bringing it upstairs. The box is SUPER heavy. The bed took 3 hours to put together with 1.5 people (my son passed me the pieces). Overall I really like this bed. It fits nicely in my sons room and seems fairly sturdy. The only thing I would change about the bed (besides the time it took to put it together) is the width of the desk, it could be a few inches wider. A nice accessory or add/on feature to consider is a sliding keyboard shelf that attaches under the desk. Make sure you measure your space before you purchase the bed. Use caution getting up from a chair when sitting at the desk or you will hit your head. You might want to have a pair of sturdy slippers on to go up and down the ladder. Your feet will definitely hurt. Id definitely recommend this bed. Its good for making the most out of a small space
Love it
Easy to assemble. Very sturdy. Shipment was told 5/7 days but I received it in 3. Its a little shaky but other than that. My 10 years old love it!! So much more space in her room.
Great quality
Buy it again. This bed frame is all . Its easy to assemble and very sturdy. My son loves it.
White Colour is Not True White.
Best purchase yet! Just beware of the white colour. Not a true white. It has a slightly creamy tone to the white. Just a little bit different than the pictures. Also / helpful hint Make sure that you have the bed in the proper final position before you finish assembly Its a big box once its together, and you cant turn it around in a narrow room! Ask me how I know
Bless your hearts. The specifications were accurate, installation instructions were easy to follow and customer support was awesome.
Love it
Adorable. Great bed, it really optimizes the space!
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