Easy to assemble. Needs some padding for the ladder rungs.
Better directions.This product was very simple to assemble and they also included an assortment of extra parts, some of which were needed as I didnt receive enough to complete the assembly without them. All in all its quite sturdy and my daughter likes the space underneath as her little hideaway. The rungs on the ladder are a little small in diameter and are a little painful on the feet. I padded them with a couple of pieces of pipe insulation foam and some colored duct tape.problem solved.
Easy to assemble. Needs some padding for the ladder rungs.
Better directions.This product was very simple to assemble and they also included an assortment of extra parts, some of which were needed as I didnt receive enough to complete the assembly without them. All in all its quite sturdy and my daughter likes the space underneath as her little hideaway. The rungs on the ladder are a little small in diameter and are a little painful on the feet. I padded them with a couple of pieces of pipe insulation foam and some colored duct tape.problem solved.