Im so shocked that this bed exceeded my expectations. I bought this gem for my 6 year old son for his birthday and he absolutely loves it! Unfortunately, his mama loves it more and sometimes sleeps with him because there is more than enough room for us both its very sturdy, easy to assemble (my brother put it together in like 1 1/2) and I just love the color. Best part is I didnt have to break the bank because of its affordability. Im happy with my purchase! Great value. Very sturdy.
We got this bed for our toddler with the idea that we can use it in a spare room or office at some point. Its really a pretty color and easy to put together. would totally buy again!Good.
Super easy to assemble, and the seller kept me informed about the delay in shipping and I see no fault of the seller. Everything I ordered and shipped through FedEx got delayed. But Im happy that I ordered this bed and I ordered that from this seller. Attractive and strong.
Ok so I assembled everything and then realized that it looked too bulky for my small room. I was wondering if I should return it / not because there was anything wrong with the bed / but because it just didnt look right. But then I decided to flip the legs around and see if that will work, and it did! The legs are what holds the four panels together so obviously, its important that they are screwed on properly and I was pleased to find that they work just as well upside down! The legs do poke out as you can see in the second picture, which is kind of funny/looking, but I dont mind it very much and because I have a 12/inch mattress the mattress covers well above the legs. I am so glad that i was able to find a hack that worked for me! When the legs are flipped upside/down like this, its closer to the height of a sofa, which is exactly what I wanted so overall, I am very happy! I loved it.
My 14 year old daughter put this together all by herself she did not want my help. So far so good if its any issues I will update it but she loves it My son loves it!
I bought this bed for my teenage daughter and she absolutely loves this bed. I love it too and want it myself. It was not hard to assemble but a two person team would be better than one person as you have to align the holes for the parts just right. I put it together by myself and I had to sit on the floor, hold one side up with my arms and rest one side on my leg to align the holes to attach the base. (Tip) Start from the back when putting on the boards on you will get stuck if you arent tiny. Overall great bed, very sturdy. I bought a
Olee Sleep 13 inch Galaxy Hybrid Gel bed full size and it fit with no problems. Easy set up.
Awesome buy!
Im so shocked that this bed exceeded my expectations. I bought this gem for my 6 year old son for his birthday and he absolutely loves it! Unfortunately, his mama loves it more and sometimes sleeps with him because there is more than enough room for us both its very sturdy, easy to assemble (my brother put it together in like 1 1/2) and I just love the color. Best part is I didnt have to break the bank because of its affordability. Im happy with my purchase! Great value. Very sturdy.
We got this bed for our toddler with the idea that we can use it in a spare room or office at some point. Its really a pretty color and easy to put together. would totally buy again!Good.
Great seller, and a product. Thank you!!!
Super easy to assemble, and the seller kept me informed about the delay in shipping and I see no fault of the seller. Everything I ordered and shipped through FedEx got delayed. But Im happy that I ordered this bed and I ordered that from this seller. Attractive and strong.
Short option for smaller rooms
Ok so I assembled everything and then realized that it looked too bulky for my small room. I was wondering if I should return it / not because there was anything wrong with the bed / but because it just didnt look right. But then I decided to flip the legs around and see if that will work, and it did! The legs are what holds the four panels together so obviously, its important that they are screwed on properly and I was pleased to find that they work just as well upside down! The legs do poke out as you can see in the second picture, which is kind of funny/looking, but I dont mind it very much and because I have a 12/inch mattress the mattress covers well above the legs. I am so glad that i was able to find a hack that worked for me! When the legs are flipped upside/down like this, its closer to the height of a sofa, which is exactly what I wanted so overall, I am very happy! I loved it.
Very strong
No issues with assembly. It is very sturdy Amazing!!!
This was actually better than expected. Easy assembly and sturdy. My Nephew likes it,
My daughter did this
My 14 year old daughter put this together all by herself she did not want my help. So far so good if its any issues I will update it but she loves it My son loves it!
Freaking Awesome
Not a bad product a little bigger than planned. This is a full size daybed. But very nice Good Product.
Beautiful bed!
Very sturdy, beautiful, great quality! Worth the money! Perfect.
In love
I bought this bed for my teenage daughter and she absolutely loves this bed. I love it too and want it myself. It was not hard to assemble but a two person team would be better than one person as you have to align the holes for the parts just right. I put it together by myself and I had to sit on the floor, hold one side up with my arms and rest one side on my leg to align the holes to attach the base. (Tip) Start from the back when putting on the boards on you will get stuck if you arent tiny. Overall great bed, very sturdy. I bought a Olee Sleep 13 inch Galaxy Hybrid Gel bed full size and it fit with no problems. Easy set up.
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