Im so shocked that this bed exceeded my expectations. I bought this gem for my 6 year old son for his birthday and he absolutely loves it! Unfortunately, his mama loves it more and sometimes sleeps with him because there is more than enough room for us both its very sturdy, easy to assemble (my brother put it together in like 1 1/2) and I just love the color. Best part is I didnt have to break the bank because of its affordability. Im happy with my purchase! Great value. Very sturdy.
Awesome buy!
Im so shocked that this bed exceeded my expectations. I bought this gem for my 6 year old son for his birthday and he absolutely loves it! Unfortunately, his mama loves it more and sometimes sleeps with him because there is more than enough room for us both its very sturdy, easy to assemble (my brother put it together in like 1 1/2) and I just love the color. Best part is I didnt have to break the bank because of its affordability. Im happy with my purchase! Great value. Very sturdy.