Sturdy, easy to assemble. So cool! Love this loveseat. I have a small living room so this fit the bill. Very comfortable. Not to soft or hard. Just right. Had to put the legs on which was easy. There were holes for the bolts but no holes for the screws. I just left them off and its fine without them. My cat doesnt seem to Claw on it which is good! Since it velvet, dog and cat hair wipes off easily.
Came as described I was a little nervous buying this online but its everything I hoped it would be and more. Its very solidly built, the fabric feels soft and looks resilient, plus its a lovely shade of gray, not at all dull or nondescript. I didnt bother considering the dimensions so Im surprised how spacious it is - big enough for two substantial men, maybe. The brass legs are also extremely solid and a breeze to attach.
This thing is AWESOME!! The couch is good quality for the price. The color is true to the pictures and it is pretty comfortable. The seat depth is nice.
Quality seems really really good. The fabric is certainly beautiful. The couch is somewhat stiff but its brand new Im hoping that loosens up a bit over the next few weeks
We made a few changes to this item,overall it is good The product itself is very nice and comfortable. Definitely a good value for the money. Shipping coordination through 3rd party carrier lacked transparency. There was very little communication about when item would arrive and was delayed at local warehouse for no apparent reason. customer service was great though and item was magically delivered quickly after they intervened.
Easy to assemble. I did it myself This sofa is gorgeous. Scheduled delivery, even during this pandemic, was easy and prompt. The guys who brought it inside were masked and helpful. All I had to do was open the box and screw the legs on.
Nice product. Takes time to put together. Super quick shipping and really comfortable. Love it
Comfortable and pet friendly!
Sturdy, easy to assemble. So cool! Love this loveseat. I have a small living room so this fit the bill. Very comfortable. Not to soft or hard. Just right. Had to put the legs on which was easy. There were holes for the bolts but no holes for the screws. I just left them off and its fine without them. My cat doesnt seem to Claw on it which is good! Since it velvet, dog and cat hair wipes off easily.
Very practical and comfortable
Solid, Beautiful and Comfy
Came as described I was a little nervous buying this online but its everything I hoped it would be and more. Its very solidly built, the fabric feels soft and looks resilient, plus its a lovely shade of gray, not at all dull or nondescript. I didnt bother considering the dimensions so Im surprised how spacious it is - big enough for two substantial men, maybe. The brass legs are also extremely solid and a breeze to attach.
A very good couch
You wont regret this purchase Its a great couch, true to its color and very comfortable, really ties our mid century modern feel together
Stylish addition to my small space
This thing is AWESOME!! The couch is good quality for the price. The color is true to the pictures and it is pretty comfortable. The seat depth is nice.
Very, very nice looking couch
Quality seems really really good. The fabric is certainly beautiful. The couch is somewhat stiff but its brand new Im hoping that loosens up a bit over the next few weeks
I Adore It!
We are obsessed! Gorgeous sofa. Sturdy and comfortable.
Good quality for the price.
We made a few changes to this item,overall it is good The product itself is very nice and comfortable. Definitely a good value for the money. Shipping coordination through 3rd party carrier lacked transparency. There was very little communication about when item would arrive and was delayed at local warehouse for no apparent reason. customer service was great though and item was magically delivered quickly after they intervened.
Gorgeous and so comfortable!
Easy to assemble. I did it myself This sofa is gorgeous. Scheduled delivery, even during this pandemic, was easy and prompt. The guys who brought it inside were masked and helpful. All I had to do was open the box and screw the legs on.
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