Sturdy, easy to assemble. So cool! Love this loveseat. I have a small living room so this fit the bill. Very comfortable. Not to soft or hard. Just right. Had to put the legs on which was easy. There were holes for the bolts but no holes for the screws. I just left them off and its fine without them. My cat doesnt seem to Claw on it which is good! Since it velvet, dog and cat hair wipes off easily.
Comfortable and pet friendly!
Sturdy, easy to assemble. So cool! Love this loveseat. I have a small living room so this fit the bill. Very comfortable. Not to soft or hard. Just right. Had to put the legs on which was easy. There were holes for the bolts but no holes for the screws. I just left them off and its fine without them. My cat doesnt seem to Claw on it which is good! Since it velvet, dog and cat hair wipes off easily.