It took me about two hours to assemble on my own. It comes with everything you need, including a screwdriver and an extra of each screw size. The instructions are clear for the most part, it just took me a while to realize that parts H and I were the wooden headboard and footboard. It looks great! However, some of the weldings was not good quality and didn't fit easily together.
I was worried this bed would look super cheap, but it doesnt! Its very pretty and incredibly sturdy. It held up to me and 16 dogs sleeping in it last night! So Im pretty impressed for sure. As long as you follow the instructions, putting it together was very easy. Its also very lightweight, so scooting it around is a breeze.
This product promised what they advertised a simple and durable bed stand that easy to set up and put away. I'd definitely recommend product not only everyone but anything made by SUDE. Its great for city living!
I love it!
It took me about two hours to assemble on my own. It comes with everything you need, including a screwdriver and an extra of each screw size. The instructions are clear for the most part, it just took me a while to realize that parts H and I were the wooden headboard and footboard. It looks great! However, some of the weldings was not good quality and didn't fit easily together.
Gorgeous and sturdy!
I was worried this bed would look super cheap, but it doesnt! Its very pretty and incredibly sturdy. It held up to me and 16 dogs sleeping in it last night! So Im pretty impressed for sure. As long as you follow the instructions, putting it together was very easy. Its also very lightweight, so scooting it around is a breeze.
Easy assemble
Very happy with the bed we used a box spring with base and it looks and feels great so far ! Nap time
Excellent modern bed! Sturdy/Strong! Look beautiful!
Great bed frame w/ headboard
My son is in college and I changed out his bed. It looks great, was very easy to assemble, and is sturdy.
Exactly what I needed!
This product promised what they advertised a simple and durable bed stand that easy to set up and put away. I'd definitely recommend product not only everyone but anything made by SUDE. Its great for city living!
Definitely recommend
Fabulous for the money.
Exactly as advertised!
Honestly its just a great, easy to assemble,space saving, low priced bed frame. Exactly as advertised. Love it!
Bought for my 15 yr old son who is 200 lbs about 5'7. He loves it. Very solid bed. Good buy.
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