The table is easy to assemble with the given instructions and best part is everything is included to assemble including screw driver. They are great value for the money as the table is of good quality and we are getting two for the price of one. One for bedroom and one on my living area. This works.
These bed side tables look chic and add a modern twist to the regular wooden night stands They are easy to assemble, are sturdy and can store decent amount of stuff. Love it. Do the work.
This night stand was easy to assemble and seems sturdy. I bought the lighter blue nightstand (pictured above) and unfortunately was shipped the Dblue nightstand instead. It takes forever to receive shipments where I live so I did not opt to exchange it for the correct color. It is still really cute but would have matched the rest of the rooms decor had they double checked the color to the order. I gave this item 4 stars due to that error alone. Awesome!
This comes in a fairly small box (considering theres two) that doesnt look like its heavily padded considering its about 40 pounds. Surprisingly, everything inside actually has styrofoam protection and everything was in flawless condition. Took me about 5 hours to assemble both adding in one re/do since I accidentally installed a shelf backwards. All required hardware (including some extra screws, screwdriver, and hex wrenches) are included. Love the look of these end tables overall. Fair for the price.
I use one for a coffee maker and the other for a printer. The only reason for 4 stars instead of 5 is that the drawers feel flimsy. Otherwise, it looks nice and feels very solid. Perfect for my needs.
Assembly tips; when you have the sides of the cabinet mated together, use a piece of tape just to keep the sides tight. Otherwise every slight movement will cause the boards to fall apart from one another and youll feel like youre on one of those hidden camera videos. The final fit and finish was surprisingly good, but the brackets that hold the little doors open dont seem to align correctly, So I omitted them. The mesh metal doors are hinged and they stay closed against the magnet latch, So no real complaint. As far as being sturdy, I carefully sat on top of one of them after it was assembled, and it did not make any protest. I do weigh about 200 pounds, so while this is no endorsement of its capacity they do seem pretty sturdy. They are a useful size and have some nice features with the lower cabinets, they assembled pretty easily with the included tools, and overall I am very pleased. HAPPY!!
Nice colored and perfect sturdy table. Well worth the purchase.
Overall Im in love
Even though there is a lot to assemble overall it is easy. I love the material and color. You should buy.
Great table for the price!
The table is easy to assemble with the given instructions and best part is everything is included to assemble including screw driver. They are great value for the money as the table is of good quality and we are getting two for the price of one. One for bedroom and one on my living area. This works.
Nice tables
I love these tables, they were easy to put together and very sturdy for the price. Perfect and Sturdy.
Stylish Nightstands
These bed side tables look chic and add a modern twist to the regular wooden night stands They are easy to assemble, are sturdy and can store decent amount of stuff. Love it. Do the work.
Small space nightstand
This night stand was easy to assemble and seems sturdy. I bought the lighter blue nightstand (pictured above) and unfortunately was shipped the Dblue nightstand instead. It takes forever to receive shipments where I live so I did not opt to exchange it for the correct color. It is still really cute but would have matched the rest of the rooms decor had they double checked the color to the order. I gave this item 4 stars due to that error alone. Awesome!
Low/cost but sturdy and functional
This comes in a fairly small box (considering theres two) that doesnt look like its heavily padded considering its about 40 pounds. Surprisingly, everything inside actually has styrofoam protection and everything was in flawless condition. Took me about 5 hours to assemble both adding in one re/do since I accidentally installed a shelf backwards. All required hardware (including some extra screws, screwdriver, and hex wrenches) are included. Love the look of these end tables overall. Fair for the price.
Looks Nice
I use one for a coffee maker and the other for a printer. The only reason for 4 stars instead of 5 is that the drawers feel flimsy. Otherwise, it looks nice and feels very solid. Perfect for my needs.
Great looking tables for the price
Assembly tips; when you have the sides of the cabinet mated together, use a piece of tape just to keep the sides tight. Otherwise every slight movement will cause the boards to fall apart from one another and youll feel like youre on one of those hidden camera videos. The final fit and finish was surprisingly good, but the brackets that hold the little doors open dont seem to align correctly, So I omitted them. The mesh metal doors are hinged and they stay closed against the magnet latch, So no real complaint. As far as being sturdy, I carefully sat on top of one of them after it was assembled, and it did not make any protest. I do weigh about 200 pounds, so while this is no endorsement of its capacity they do seem pretty sturdy. They are a useful size and have some nice features with the lower cabinets, they assembled pretty easily with the included tools, and overall I am very pleased. HAPPY!!
Beautiful tables!
Super great value for the money. Unique looking and sturdy/ exactly what I needed for the bedroom. Good price.
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