This night stand was easy to assemble and seems sturdy. I bought the lighter blue nightstand (pictured above) and unfortunately was shipped the Dblue nightstand instead. It takes forever to receive shipments where I live so I did not opt to exchange it for the correct color. It is still really cute but would have matched the rest of the rooms decor had they double checked the color to the order. I gave this item 4 stars due to that error alone. Awesome!
Small space nightstand
This night stand was easy to assemble and seems sturdy. I bought the lighter blue nightstand (pictured above) and unfortunately was shipped the Dblue nightstand instead. It takes forever to receive shipments where I live so I did not opt to exchange it for the correct color. It is still really cute but would have matched the rest of the rooms decor had they double checked the color to the order. I gave this item 4 stars due to that error alone. Awesome!