Ok to assemble but its not noted how to switch the ladder from left to right or vice versa. Pretty wobbly and the ladder is sketchy to climb if youre not a small child. I like it.
Be very careful with the hardware. It strips so easy. We made a mistake putting it together and could not take back apart because bolts stripped. Works well.
The bed is good and sturdy. Its a little thought to assemble. It took almost 3 hours for me and my sister to assemble it. It looks good. Two weeks and have still have no problem. Its worth for the money. Very durable.
A little difficult to assemble (wish we would have realize sooner that you need to make sure everything is facing the right way for how it will be situated in the room and that each bed has the correct sides for upper and lower placement since they werent clearly labeled because once they are together its a little difficult to pull them back apart, especially since you kind of need to bend the inner rungs a bit as you install them to have them fit / but be careful not to step on them once they are in or the frame during assembly because the are VERY pliable and not very solid on their own but are more durable once together). I was worried it wouldnt be very sturdy, and I still dont quite trust the maximum weight recommendations, but my two young granddaughters love it and certainly put it to the test. My teenage son also tested it out and liked it so my grandchildren will be able to use for years when they visit. Were happy. Very good value.
Looks exactly how its pictured. It is sturdy enough to hold two 300lb adults (one on top and bottom). I like it. It looks nice. Its sturdy. Its relatively easy enough to assemble though I will say that my only qualm with it is the directions are vague. There are no written directions, only pictures. Everything you could screw on backwards, I definitely did lol. Several times. I feel like if there were more concise directions, it would have gone faster and easier. But maybe Im just an idiot who knows. You could put this together by yourself if you needed to so thats good. And you dont need a screwdriver or any thing like that for assembly. You should buy.
It didnt take us long to get it put together. The only thing you need to watch out for is the ends facing the correct way. We had a hard time getting one side screwed in but it was because of putting it on the wrong side (user error, in other words). I have a 260lb son on the bottom bunk and a 180lb son on the top bunk and have had no problems with it thus far. Happy to have bought this! Perfect and Sturdy.
Great product
Great product Nice!
Just ok, not great
Ok to assemble but its not noted how to switch the ladder from left to right or vice versa. Pretty wobbly and the ladder is sketchy to climb if youre not a small child. I like it.
Awesome bunkbed
Easy to assemble and kids love it! Great value for the price!!! It works.
Looks great and is strurdy, but
Be very careful with the hardware. It strips so easy. We made a mistake putting it together and could not take back apart because bolts stripped. Works well.
Good and Sturdy
The bed is good and sturdy. Its a little thought to assemble. It took almost 3 hours for me and my sister to assemble it. It looks good. Two weeks and have still have no problem. Its worth for the money. Very durable.
Would buy it again and recommend it to friends and family.
A little difficult to assemble (wish we would have realize sooner that you need to make sure everything is facing the right way for how it will be situated in the room and that each bed has the correct sides for upper and lower placement since they werent clearly labeled because once they are together its a little difficult to pull them back apart, especially since you kind of need to bend the inner rungs a bit as you install them to have them fit / but be careful not to step on them once they are in or the frame during assembly because the are VERY pliable and not very solid on their own but are more durable once together). I was worried it wouldnt be very sturdy, and I still dont quite trust the maximum weight recommendations, but my two young granddaughters love it and certainly put it to the test. My teenage son also tested it out and liked it so my grandchildren will be able to use for years when they visit. Were happy. Very good value.
Great product
Nice color an the height was perfect for the kids Well worth the purchase.
Vague directions but not a dealbreaker
Looks exactly how its pictured. It is sturdy enough to hold two 300lb adults (one on top and bottom). I like it. It looks nice. Its sturdy. Its relatively easy enough to assemble though I will say that my only qualm with it is the directions are vague. There are no written directions, only pictures. Everything you could screw on backwards, I definitely did lol. Several times. I feel like if there were more concise directions, it would have gone faster and easier. But maybe Im just an idiot who knows. You could put this together by yourself if you needed to so thats good. And you dont need a screwdriver or any thing like that for assembly. You should buy.
okay bunk bed
Some what easy to put together. But not bad This works.
Easy to assemble and very sturdy
It didnt take us long to get it put together. The only thing you need to watch out for is the ends facing the correct way. We had a hard time getting one side screwed in but it was because of putting it on the wrong side (user error, in other words). I have a 260lb son on the bottom bunk and a 180lb son on the top bunk and have had no problems with it thus far. Happy to have bought this! Perfect and Sturdy.
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