Couldn’t be happier with these
Got two of them for my kids’ rooms. They came in like 2-3 days, were pretty simple to put together and are super sturdy. Great deal!
wasn’t hard putting together, really nice just like the picture
No bad for the price, set up was difficult because the support beams the way the design was. Sturdy ness isn’t to bad for the price. Over all I’m content.
Couldn’t be happier with these
Got two of them for my kids’ rooms. They came in like 2-3 days, were pretty simple to put together and are super sturdy. Great deal!
wasn’t hard putting together, really nice just like the picture
No bad for the price, set up was difficult because the support beams the way the design was. Sturdy ness isn’t to bad for the price. Over all I’m content.
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