Instructions were not included so I had to contact the seller to get the assembly instructions. Also, not all of the hardware was included. The description is inaccurate. Holes are not pre/drilled and the feet are cheap plastic. The springs are too tight and the lid does not fully close. I do not recommend this product, especially for the price.
The legs are more of a matte/looking orange/ish than the picture shows. The screws also contrast the legs and show. Its sturdy and the cushion looks good but imo slightly overpriced for the small size and quality.
I bought 2 of these and they look great. HOWEVER / be warned that BOTH arrived without the required hardware (screws) for assembly. I managed to find the right size at Home Depot but I was shocked as I ordered them several weeks apart and both had the issue. Boxes werent damaged at all, just a manufacturer problem.
If its just one person putting it together its going to be a struggle. Some of the holes arent drilled, but they do show you were the hole is suppose to go. I reccomend using a permanent market to mark where you are going to put the srews then screw the screw in and take it out to put the piece on. I had to do this especially with the bottom and for the joints that hold it open. Took me 3 hours. It is made of beautiful material. Appears to be sturdy and worth it so far. Ive had it for a little over a month. Deeper than I expected which is a good thing.
I love it! Only thing I disliked was that the screw holes were covered somewhat with material so it was hard to screw the nuts in. Adds a little extra work to tear the material aside but besides that seemed easy to assemble. You definitely need a drill for the screwing for the legs and anchors
Love this cute little stool that Im using to throw clothes on but it is extremely sturdy to sit on. Very easy to put together just follow the directions on what steps to follow.
Gold color same as picture.
Looks exactly like the picture. Soft velvety tufted top. Was perfect for a bench for our bathroom.
Hardware missing, difficult assembly
Instructions were not included so I had to contact the seller to get the assembly instructions. Also, not all of the hardware was included. The description is inaccurate. Holes are not pre/drilled and the feet are cheap plastic. The springs are too tight and the lid does not fully close. I do not recommend this product, especially for the price.
Love it!
Great product! Color as pictured.
Really groovy looking piece
This is sturdy and cool for the price.
Can find something nicer
The legs are more of a matte/looking orange/ish than the picture shows. The screws also contrast the legs and show. Its sturdy and the cushion looks good but imo slightly overpriced for the small size and quality.
Hardware wasnt includedtwice
I bought 2 of these and they look great. HOWEVER / be warned that BOTH arrived without the required hardware (screws) for assembly. I managed to find the right size at Home Depot but I was shocked as I ordered them several weeks apart and both had the issue. Boxes werent damaged at all, just a manufacturer problem.
Sturdy and pretty
Love the tufted seat. Pretty color!
Accurate to picture, issue assembling
If its just one person putting it together its going to be a struggle. Some of the holes arent drilled, but they do show you were the hole is suppose to go. I reccomend using a permanent market to mark where you are going to put the srews then screw the screw in and take it out to put the piece on. I had to do this especially with the bottom and for the joints that hold it open. Took me 3 hours. It is made of beautiful material. Appears to be sturdy and worth it so far. Ive had it for a little over a month. Deeper than I expected which is a good thing.
Love!! Worth it!
I love it! Only thing I disliked was that the screw holes were covered somewhat with material so it was hard to screw the nuts in. Adds a little extra work to tear the material aside but besides that seemed easy to assemble. You definitely need a drill for the screwing for the legs and anchors
Great bench easy to put together
Love this cute little stool that Im using to throw clothes on but it is extremely sturdy to sit on. Very easy to put together just follow the directions on what steps to follow.
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