Perfect color / check, perfect size / check, easy to install / check, reasonable price / check! SO HAPPY with this addition to my office. Super comfortable and beautiful! Thank you!!
This chair seems sturdy and well made. It was a little time consuming to assemble but not difficult. Tools were provided. I think the imitation is nice and I hope it holds up. It is too early to tell how the chair holds up to frequent use.
The chair is comfy, assembly was straight forward and easy. I bought two chairs and had them assembled in very little time. Theyre definitely designed for the average size person, say 6 feet tall or less, but are still comfy enough for my 64 frame.
I bought this chair for my kids hang out room. They love it, it is very comfy and perfect size. They love how it swizzles, its soft and comfortable. The assembly is easy but you have to go on the page where you bought and there is a video of how to assemble it. The instruction that came with it are not good.
Perfect color / check, perfect size / check, easy to install / check, reasonable price / check! SO HAPPY with this addition to my office. Super comfortable and beautiful! Thank you!!
not worth the money
not a bad chair, but definitely not a 300 chair. Its at best about a 150.00 chair.
Well made chair
This chair seems sturdy and well made. It was a little time consuming to assemble but not difficult. Tools were provided. I think the imitation is nice and I hope it holds up. It is too early to tell how the chair holds up to frequent use.
Nice chairs.
The chair is comfy, assembly was straight forward and easy. I bought two chairs and had them assembled in very little time. Theyre definitely designed for the average size person, say 6 feet tall or less, but are still comfy enough for my 64 frame.
Comfy! Great for the reading corner.
My Swivel chair
This chair is in a corner of our bedroom and is a reading nook for my wife.
Not comfortable
This chair is cute and easy to set up but it is not comfortable at all.
Chic style
I ordered this for my daughter who has moved to NYC. She absolutely loved it! Easy to assemble and a lovely piece.
This is a Great chair very comfy
I bought this chair for my kids hang out room. They love it, it is very comfy and perfect size. They love how it swizzles, its soft and comfortable. The assembly is easy but you have to go on the page where you bought and there is a video of how to assemble it. The instruction that came with it are not good.
Love love love
Gorgeous color and fits my space so perfectly. Very much the style right now!
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