This was a great purchase. It took a little bit to put together. No missing pieces however the boards under the mattress didn’t have pre drilled holes so I had to make them. It seems sturdy so I have no concern for safety. Overall, my son really loves his new bed.
I bought this for my 3 granddaughters room and they love it! My only complaint is that it’s kinda squeeky when they climb on it, thank goodness for rubber washers! AWESOME BUY!!
It came with missing pieces and one broken piece took weeks to have to buy the screws it didnt come with and had to get the broken piece welded. Such a hassle and could get ahold of manufacturer to get the missing pieces or get a new broken piece. Wouldnt do this again
I have 3 kids in a small room and this bed helped gained them some space. They love it! The instructions for assembly could be better, but we figured it out. It is great for the price!
Some pieces came damaged and it was missing 2 springs for the trundle bed. It seems fairly flimsy and I wouldnt expect it to do well for adults to sleep on often, but my 6 year old likes it so far.
It was moderately challenging for me to put together by myself, but I did. My only complaint with it is one I should have considered before, but its difficult to make. I never took that into consideration. Its also hard on the feet getting up and down the ladder but nothing a pool noodle didnt solve. Overall, I like it.
The screws keep unscrewing themselves even after the bed is already assembled. The assembly was not easy especially in the bases of each bed. It is not sturdy at all… seems very fragil. It squeaks every time it’s touched, feels like it’s going to fall apart.
This bed is great so far but it has a few issues. The one twin bed has an opening and the other doesn’t. We don’t really like that it doesn’t have two openings. It’s kinda shaky. Other wise it’s great and we are loving it.
Great purchase
This was a great purchase. It took a little bit to put together. No missing pieces however the boards under the mattress didn’t have pre drilled holes so I had to make them. It seems sturdy so I have no concern for safety. Overall, my son really loves his new bed.
WONDERFUL space saver!
I bought this for my 3 granddaughters room and they love it! My only complaint is that it’s kinda squeeky when they climb on it, thank goodness for rubber washers! AWESOME BUY!!
Missing and broken pieces
It came with missing pieces and one broken piece took weeks to have to buy the screws it didnt come with and had to get the broken piece welded. Such a hassle and could get ahold of manufacturer to get the missing pieces or get a new broken piece. Wouldnt do this again
Mui bonitas Me gustaron mucho Recomiendo
Great for small room!
I have 3 kids in a small room and this bed helped gained them some space. They love it! The instructions for assembly could be better, but we figured it out. It is great for the price!
I would say 3.5 stars.
Some pieces came damaged and it was missing 2 springs for the trundle bed. It seems fairly flimsy and I wouldnt expect it to do well for adults to sleep on often, but my 6 year old likes it so far.
Good quality for its price.
It was moderately challenging for me to put together by myself, but I did. My only complaint with it is one I should have considered before, but its difficult to make. I never took that into consideration. Its also hard on the feet getting up and down the ladder but nothing a pool noodle didnt solve. Overall, I like it.
Cute but….
The screws keep unscrewing themselves even after the bed is already assembled. The assembly was not easy especially in the bases of each bed. It is not sturdy at all… seems very fragil. It squeaks every time it’s touched, feels like it’s going to fall apart.
Great with a few issues
This bed is great so far but it has a few issues. The one twin bed has an opening and the other doesn’t. We don’t really like that it doesn’t have two openings. It’s kinda shaky. Other wise it’s great and we are loving it.
My kids love it very easy to put together and very solid
Very easy to assemble and great value for the money
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