The assembly was long but the directions were pretty straight forward. The back of it didnt fit properly but we made it work. Perfect size and lots of space.
Took sometime to.put together but that was my fault, trying to rush it, but once put together properly it was perfect. But beware, as the pressed wood is delicate, to much tightening of screws will warp and break wood. Serves its purpose for storage but and anesthetics but durability an issue, Id still buy for the look and price was right
Perfect cabinet for a small bathroom. take your time putting it together. As much as every piece is labeled, it is hard to figure out the door plastic hinge and what side does it go on. (opposite side of the magnet)
Assembly was long
The assembly was long but the directions were pretty straight forward. The back of it didnt fit properly but we made it work. Perfect size and lots of space.
Nice sturdy cabinet
The cabinet was not bad to put together. It took about an hour. Very sturdy.
Good looking and price, questionable sturdiness
Took sometime to.put together but that was my fault, trying to rush it, but once put together properly it was perfect. But beware, as the pressed wood is delicate, to much tightening of screws will warp and break wood. Serves its purpose for storage but and anesthetics but durability an issue, Id still buy for the look and price was right
Easy to assemble. Very sturdy .
Bought on sale
Perfect cabinet for a small bathroom. take your time putting it together. As much as every piece is labeled, it is hard to figure out the door plastic hinge and what side does it go on. (opposite side of the magnet)
difficult to assemble
Pleased with look. Difficult to assemble.
I like this cabinet
Ok so as soon as you hire a rocket scientist to assemble this unit its all good. Nice piece to fit into a small space. Looks nice in my sewing room.
Nice storage!
Very nice for a small space. Im using it in my kitchen for spices, oven mitts, etc. Was a little difficult to assemble (poor directions)
Nice bathroom storage cabinet
Perfect for my bathroom. Easy ti assemble too. Looks very nice. Great quality gor the price.
Very nice
This is so nice! The only reason I gave it 4 stars is because it is so much smaller than I thought it would be. Its very nice and holds a lot though.
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