The directions were easy to follow and it didnt take extremely long to assemble. Its also very sturdy. Everything is fit together well and the color was perfect and matched other pieces that I had.
This is a nice looking cabinet when it is completed. It took several hours to assemble due to the horrible instructions included. You actually have to try to read the mind of the person who wrote the instructions. They are not clear at all and very difficult to read.
Although all the pieces were lettered, the directions are by picture. A bit difficult to comprehend. And one of the screws had a flaw which prevented the screwdriver from being able to go in it.
Otherwise, I like the finished product.
Ill have to add a picture another time.
To begin, I make sure to always read the instructions because that usually helps me understand what is what. I set it up, however I placed one of the shelves the wrong direction and I had to rip the back off, sad day, when the back needed to be screwed in? I feel like paying $130 for some particle board and such I shouldve found something different however it did arrive un damaged and works for what I need it to
A million pieces to assemble. Almost gave up because there are no written instructions, only pictures that you can barely make out. But once it was finally complete, I loved it! Very sturdy!
I bought this piece for my small master bathroom. It took me a while to get is assembled, but once completed it looks amazing. Very sturdy and looks amazing and expensive when its really not! Perfect in my small bathroom! I love it!
Great Cabinet
The directions were easy to follow and it didnt take extremely long to assemble. Its also very sturdy. Everything is fit together well and the color was perfect and matched other pieces that I had.
Nice for the money. Horrible instructions.
This is a nice looking cabinet when it is completed. It took several hours to assemble due to the horrible instructions included. You actually have to try to read the mind of the person who wrote the instructions. They are not clear at all and very difficult to read.
Easy assembled and sturdy
Product is very easy to assemble and very sturdy. Well worth the money
Directions were complicated.
Although all the pieces were lettered, the directions are by picture. A bit difficult to comprehend. And one of the screws had a flaw which prevented the screwdriver from being able to go in it. Otherwise, I like the finished product.
Instructions are pictures
Ill have to add a picture another time. To begin, I make sure to always read the instructions because that usually helps me understand what is what. I set it up, however I placed one of the shelves the wrong direction and I had to rip the back off, sad day, when the back needed to be screwed in? I feel like paying $130 for some particle board and such I shouldve found something different however it did arrive un damaged and works for what I need it to
Very Difficult to assemble
A million pieces to assemble. Almost gave up because there are no written instructions, only pictures that you can barely make out. But once it was finally complete, I loved it! Very sturdy!
Just what I wanted
Very nice
Took about an hour to assemble. Super cute!!
Plenty of shelf space
Its not as tall as Id like but I do love how much shelf space it has and how easy it was to put together!
Awesome value for the money!!!
I bought this piece for my small master bathroom. It took me a while to get is assembled, but once completed it looks amazing. Very sturdy and looks amazing and expensive when its really not! Perfect in my small bathroom! I love it!
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