If you are shopping for a new carry on bag, get one similar to this that splits in half and has zippers on both sides. You can cram so much more stuff in one with this design than the kind that open at the front.
olutely worth it. Lasted without issues on over 10 flights, in places as busy and hectic as SAN and DFW. No issues whatsoever. Size is perfect, the case shell is flawless, no issues. I have seen it thrown around at two airports and no scratches, dents, etc. Like brand new after many many flights. 10/10.
Really Large
Not for Airline travel.We use to transport clothes from winter to summer homes by SUV.
You can cram a lot of stuff into one of these little bags
If you are shopping for a new carry on bag, get one similar to this that splits in half and has zippers on both sides. You can cram so much more stuff in one with this design than the kind that open at the front.
Worth buying atleast
Good product for the price
good luggae
For the money its great. Hard cased and lots of space.
worth every dollar
olutely worth it. Lasted without issues on over 10 flights, in places as busy and hectic as SAN and DFW. No issues whatsoever. Size is perfect, the case shell is flawless, no issues. I have seen it thrown around at two airports and no scratches, dents, etc. Like brand new after many many flights. 10/10.
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