Took me four hours to assemble but directions were pretty easy! Lots of pieces but its soo much storage. Its pretty durable. Lots of space and cute for a decent price! My bunk bed came with book shelf desk and drawers so there were four boxes delivered to assemble. All pieces were there. A couple holes werent completely drilled through but was able to just loosen and pick out with a screw driver.
Just finished building this for my daughter and have a few thoughts. Its a great product, feels sturdy and looks good. The instructions are not that great but doable. I wish the parts came with stickers labeling the pieces. The smaller items are straightforward but labeling would make assembly move along faster. Some of the surfaces chipped easily during assembly. All and all pretty happy with this unit for the $money$.
We purchased this for our grandson. Hes about to become a big brother and we wanted him to have a special big boy bed while his baby brothers room was being set up. Our son in law had it all set up in no time! Our grandson lovees it.
It was delivered right on schedule and was just what we wanted for them!!!
No problems with product Great purchasing experience. Would definitely recommend it!
Very VERY poor material , not sturdy at all. Cheap material will probably fall apart in a couple months and I couldnt send back because they wanted to charge me $100 to send it back plus shipping cost which would have left me with a little more than half of what I paid . COMPLETE WASTE !!
I bought two for my 10 and 6 year old daughters. They absolutely lovee it, and so do I! Took about 4 hours on the first bed then 3 the second. And thats with my helper not reading step by step, only when needed and it still turned out perfect. I wish there was an adult version. Lol
soooo cool
soooo cool
Cuteness and lots of storage!
Took me four hours to assemble but directions were pretty easy! Lots of pieces but its soo much storage. Its pretty durable. Lots of space and cute for a decent price! My bunk bed came with book shelf desk and drawers so there were four boxes delivered to assemble. All pieces were there. A couple holes werent completely drilled through but was able to just loosen and pick out with a screw driver.
great bed!!! ez to install!
We lovee it! Very functional ?
Overall a great bed!!!
Just finished building this for my daughter and have a few thoughts. Its a great product, feels sturdy and looks good. The instructions are not that great but doable. I wish the parts came with stickers labeling the pieces. The smaller items are straightforward but labeling would make assembly move along faster. Some of the surfaces chipped easily during assembly. All and all pretty happy with this unit for the $money$.
Great loft bed for a kid!
We purchased this for our grandson. Hes about to become a big brother and we wanted him to have a special big boy bed while his baby brothers room was being set up. Our son in law had it all set up in no time! Our grandson lovees it. It was delivered right on schedule and was just what we wanted for them!!! No problems with product Great purchasing experience. Would definitely recommend it!
I want my purchase
I want my purchase!!
Pleased with my purchase
Would have been perfect if the parts were labeled for assembly but it is a great bed!!! and super sturdy!
Follow instructions
Follow the instructions to a T and the end result is great. She lovees her new bed and we do too.
Very VERY poor material , not sturdy at all. Cheap material will probably fall apart in a couple months and I couldnt send back because they wanted to charge me $100 to send it back plus shipping cost which would have left me with a little more than half of what I paid . COMPLETE WASTE !!
Age, time, perfect, lovee it
I bought two for my 10 and 6 year old daughters. They absolutely lovee it, and so do I! Took about 4 hours on the first bed then 3 the second. And thats with my helper not reading step by step, only when needed and it still turned out perfect. I wish there was an adult version. Lol
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