I had a broken piece originally but after I was finally able to get in touch with the seller, problem fixed. What great customer service. My daughter loves her desk! Perfect size for her room and adequate space for her things once she sets everything up. My husband assembled it alone in about half hour. Just what we were looking for! I highly recommend this desk.
The desk was fairly easy to assemble and its very sturdy! The L-shape works perfectly in smaller spaces and it looks good to! I have 0 complaints about this purchase!
Considering how inexpensive this desk is compared to others its worth the money. Mine definitely came with a few scratches and wasnt the easiest to put together. However it looks great fits perfectly in small spaces and holds alot! It gives you a lot of storage and work space for such a small peice.
I bought this desk to work from home and I was little skeptical because of the price I thought it would run small BUT it is a very good size desk, sturdy, and a great buy! Setting up took a bit and it was a little confusing in a couple of the steps but its not hard to put together. It helpful to have 2 people but I put it together till the last step where I needed someone to help me hold the bar to screw in.
We had to figure it out on our won bc the instructions were crap. I had to google the item to get the correct instructions. Mislabeled parts It was a hassle putting this together. The only reason why i did not returned it was because I was too lazy to put it back in the box.
Perfect desk for teenager (or anyone really)
I had a broken piece originally but after I was finally able to get in touch with the seller, problem fixed. What great customer service. My daughter loves her desk! Perfect size for her room and adequate space for her things once she sets everything up. My husband assembled it alone in about half hour. Just what we were looking for! I highly recommend this desk.
Not that great
Not that great sturdy table as mentioned. Good for normal work, but for office use, its not that worth
Sturdy yet Elegant Desk!
The desk was fairly easy to assemble and its very sturdy! The L-shape works perfectly in smaller spaces and it looks good to! I have 0 complaints about this purchase!
Pleasantly surprised!
Purchased this desk for my sons room, he loves it! Im pleasantly surprised at the quality and sturdiness for a desk like this! I highly recommend.
Great desk for the price.
Considering how inexpensive this desk is compared to others its worth the money. Mine definitely came with a few scratches and wasnt the easiest to put together. However it looks great fits perfectly in small spaces and holds alot! It gives you a lot of storage and work space for such a small peice.
very nice desk
shouldnt be too hard to assemble, though one of the bags were empty but the stuff in that bag was mixed in with another
Great product
Its great for working from home enough space for 2 screens
Great buy for the price!
I bought this desk to work from home and I was little skeptical because of the price I thought it would run small BUT it is a very good size desk, sturdy, and a great buy! Setting up took a bit and it was a little confusing in a couple of the steps but its not hard to put together. It helpful to have 2 people but I put it together till the last step where I needed someone to help me hold the bar to screw in.
Practical. Value for the money
Exactly what we needed. Fit perfectly in a L shape space we have.
Instructions SUCK!!!!
We had to figure it out on our won bc the instructions were crap. I had to google the item to get the correct instructions. Mislabeled parts It was a hassle putting this together. The only reason why i did not returned it was because I was too lazy to put it back in the box.
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