This chair is great for the money. Easy to assemble, pretty, and comfortable. I only gave it a 4 because it could be a little softer, but would highly recommend it for the money.
These chairs are exactly as advertised. We purchased 2 and are very happy with our purchase. The color is accurate and the dimensions are correct. The recliners are comfortable and fit very nicely in our living room. The assembly instructions were missing but one call to the phone number listed and the instructions were emailed within minutes.
I bought one. I liked it, so I ordered a second one. Comfortable and a great price. Youll need two people to assemble it. It took my husband and I some extra effort to fit the wings both times, but finally they came together nicely.
I bought this chair because of the style and the fact that it is also a recliner! Just the perfect fit for my bedroom. Definitely would recommend this chair. Very classy!
This chair is great for the money
This chair is great for the money. Easy to assemble, pretty, and comfortable. I only gave it a 4 because it could be a little softer, but would highly recommend it for the money.
Perfect recliners for our living room
These chairs are exactly as advertised. We purchased 2 and are very happy with our purchase. The color is accurate and the dimensions are correct. The recliners are comfortable and fit very nicely in our living room. The assembly instructions were missing but one call to the phone number listed and the instructions were emailed within minutes.
I liked it, so I ordered a second one
I bought one. I liked it, so I ordered a second one. Comfortable and a great price. Youll need two people to assemble it. It took my husband and I some extra effort to fit the wings both times, but finally they came together nicely.
Excellent quality. A
Delivered as promised. Excellent quality. A
Classy looking chair
I bought this chair because of the style and the fact that it is also a recliner! Just the perfect fit for my bedroom. Definitely would recommend this chair. Very classy!
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