Very easy to assemble. Can be done by 1 person.
Also very sturdy.
Problem is the ladder. If not for the ladder it would be 5 stars. Easy to climb up but climbing down it a disaster waiting to happen.
Seems sturdy enough, love the space underneath. However, very scuffed up, even rust in some place while in the package. Its all white. I dont really want the rust look already
My husband assembled and he said it was easy. Its very sturdy, and well made. Great bed if youre looking to save space. Plenty tall enough to put a desk, table, toy box etc underneath. My son loves it. I would suggest that your kid isnt afraid of heights and can safely climb as it is pretty high up.
The only thing I didnt like about this product is that there are no words on the directions. Not a huge deal but if you dont look very closely at the pictures youll have to take things apart and redo it. Also some of the screws didnt match up perfectly but I was still able to get it together.
Cant beat the price, strong and sturdy, works as described. The only issues I had was with the cross bars and how difficult it was to line them up. The directions do not clearly explain how the holes line up but it was done, just took longer than it should have in my opinion.
Not sturdy, Not as well built as I believed it would be and I had to drill holes for the middle legs for the bed due to the hole that was there was way to far over
Would have given 5 stars but one of the middle support bars keeps bending back under the bed when both kids are sleeping. We put a longer screw in and its fixed it
Great product. Buy a ladder and use that instead.
Very easy to assemble. Can be done by 1 person. Also very sturdy. Problem is the ladder. If not for the ladder it would be 5 stars. Easy to climb up but climbing down it a disaster waiting to happen.
Nice color
A little hard to put together had to disassemble twice to fix overall my babies loves it and the color. seem sturdy enough.
Great bed
Simple assembly. My daughter loves it
Great for the price, but a bit risty
Seems sturdy enough, love the space underneath. However, very scuffed up, even rust in some place while in the package. Its all white. I dont really want the rust look already
Awesome bed, great space saver
My husband assembled and he said it was easy. Its very sturdy, and well made. Great bed if youre looking to save space. Plenty tall enough to put a desk, table, toy box etc underneath. My son loves it. I would suggest that your kid isnt afraid of heights and can safely climb as it is pretty high up.
Hard to put together
The only thing I didnt like about this product is that there are no words on the directions. Not a huge deal but if you dont look very closely at the pictures youll have to take things apart and redo it. Also some of the screws didnt match up perfectly but I was still able to get it together.
Great product but assembly and directions could be better
Cant beat the price, strong and sturdy, works as described. The only issues I had was with the cross bars and how difficult it was to line them up. The directions do not clearly explain how the holes line up but it was done, just took longer than it should have in my opinion.
Not as well as I had believed
Not sturdy, Not as well built as I believed it would be and I had to drill holes for the middle legs for the bed due to the hole that was there was way to far over
Parts missing
Came with the safety rail missing. Instructions were not good
Good bed for small kids
Would have given 5 stars but one of the middle support bars keeps bending back under the bed when both kids are sleeping. We put a longer screw in and its fixed it
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