Easy to put together. Sturdy and has a good height to it. I needed something small to fit in a limited space, this is the perfect table and chair set. A little cheap, but you get what you pay for. Happy with my purchase.
Good quality construction. Directions to assemble are clear but its a big job. A couple of flaws on the table and a chair but the company gave me a price adjustment rather than send back the 130 pound set to get a replacement. Picture in ad is exactly like it is.
This is a very nice table and chair set. I love it! The only complaint I have is that the chairs have an unnecessarily insane amount of hardware to assemble them so it takes forever. Assembly isnt complicated but its very time consuming.
Great value for the price!!
Excellent value for the price. Hard to put together tho. Need a lot of strength for some parts.
Perfect for smaller places
This table is the perfect size for my small eat in kitchen!
Make sure you have all pieces to everything if you order this item
I bought this for my mom as a birthday gift she loved it
Sturdy, small, and easy to build
Easy to put together. Sturdy and has a good height to it. I needed something small to fit in a limited space, this is the perfect table and chair set. A little cheap, but you get what you pay for. Happy with my purchase.
Nice table
Nice table for apartment space. Bought it unassemble and was tedious to assemble. But nice quality.
I am very unhappy about not getting my warrantee like I been asking for thanks
Good style and quality
Good quality construction. Directions to assemble are clear but its a big job. A couple of flaws on the table and a chair but the company gave me a price adjustment rather than send back the 130 pound set to get a replacement. Picture in ad is exactly like it is.
Nice height and materials
Nice height and materials. Chairs are absurdly time consuming to put together, but overall very solid set for the price
This is so much better than we expected
This is so much better than we expected. All real wood. Very sturdy. Not skimpy on the seat size. Great table
This is a very nice table and chair set
This is a very nice table and chair set. I love it! The only complaint I have is that the chairs have an unnecessarily insane amount of hardware to assemble them so it takes forever. Assembly isnt complicated but its very time consuming.
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