Very easy to assemble. It took less than 10 minutes to assemble. It is comfortable to sit. Feels sturdy. When it arrived, there was some bad chemical smell but it disappeared after about a week. Satisfied with the purchase.
This chair was perfect for me as my reading corner chair. I choose the yellow one and it is the color I expected. Im a little on the heavy side so sitting while crossing both legs isnt ideal with this chair. However, I am super satisfied with my purchase especially with the price I got it for!
It was the perfect size for our apartment. I was going to purchase a loveseat, but when I saw this chair I thought I would rather order 2 of these chairs and it wouldnt take up a lot of room like a loveseat would and I was right! Best purchase I ever made and they are very comfortable. People that have come over tell us that they are comfortable and they like them.
Nice looking chair, color on screen is fairly accurate. Only down side is this chair is not really very comfortable. I added a few pillows to help, but its small and too many pillows make it difficult to sit on.
You get what you pay for
It looks good but cheaply built and it does not look like it will last.
Comfortable, easy to assemble.
Very easy to assemble. It took less than 10 minutes to assemble. It is comfortable to sit. Feels sturdy. When it arrived, there was some bad chemical smell but it disappeared after about a week. Satisfied with the purchase.
Nice chairs
Very nice color, nice fabric, easiest piece if furniture to assemble. Literally just slide the back into it and screw in the legs.
This chair was perfect for me as my reading corner chair. I choose the yellow one and it is the color I expected. Im a little on the heavy side so sitting while crossing both legs isnt ideal with this chair. However, I am super satisfied with my purchase especially with the price I got it for!
Best purchase Ive ever made.
It was the perfect size for our apartment. I was going to purchase a loveseat, but when I saw this chair I thought I would rather order 2 of these chairs and it wouldnt take up a lot of room like a loveseat would and I was right! Best purchase I ever made and they are very comfortable. People that have come over tell us that they are comfortable and they like them.
Love this color grey!
Great simple chair and great price
Quality of the chair, and price!! And I own a Brady bunch chair,Thank you!!!
So excited to get my teal chair, fabric is very nice, well put together, easy to assemble The right chair for my space!!!
Good looking chair, not super comfortable
Nice looking chair, color on screen is fairly accurate. Only down side is this chair is not really very comfortable. I added a few pillows to help, but its small and too many pillows make it difficult to sit on.
Beautiful and looked like the picture
Such a lovely touch to my bedroom.
Cute and Comfy!
LOVE this chair!
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