It looks exactly like the pictures and is easy to assemble - I did it myself and I am admittedly the least handy person to walk this earth. My one recommendation would be to remove the stickers before assembly, as theyre difficult to remove once things are in place.
These are sturdy and look great. Their price cannot be beat. Although we found they were a bit uncomfortable, that was easily remedied by adding a couple of cushions. Even adding the price of the cushions to the chairs, it was still cheaper than the other options we found out there.
Love the style and value of this chair.
Its the perfect size for the small space. I will probably get a second one to complete the room. Highly recommended
This chair is unique, in that it is both petite and man-sturdy. It is well made, and comfortable. Easy to assemble. Fits nicely in a smaller space, yet is large enough--and comfortable enough--for both my husband and son-in-law. It is inviting to sit in, and when you choose that chair for sitting, youre not sorry. And you wont be sorry you purchased this little lovely. I still cant believe the steal of a price it sells for! How could you go wrong?? Short answer: you cant!
Easy Assembly/Easy on the Eyes
It looks exactly like the pictures and is easy to assemble - I did it myself and I am admittedly the least handy person to walk this earth. My one recommendation would be to remove the stickers before assembly, as theyre difficult to remove once things are in place.
Amazing velvet emerald chair!!!
The color is GORGEOUS!! Put it together in about 10min. Very chic, GREAT PRICE.. outstanding value for money!! LOOOOVE IT ?
just as pictured!
love the chair
This chair allows me to sit
This chair holds my butt and ensures the ability to sit. Good work
Good deal for the price
These are sturdy and look great. Their price cannot be beat. Although we found they were a bit uncomfortable, that was easily remedied by adding a couple of cushions. Even adding the price of the cushions to the chairs, it was still cheaper than the other options we found out there.
Very comfortable
Very easy to assemble
This chair sucks.. my body hurts after sitting more than a half hour.
Muy buen producto
Highly recommended!
Love the style and value of this chair. Its the perfect size for the small space. I will probably get a second one to complete the room. Highly recommended
Better than GREAT chair!
This chair is unique, in that it is both petite and man-sturdy. It is well made, and comfortable. Easy to assemble. Fits nicely in a smaller space, yet is large enough--and comfortable enough--for both my husband and son-in-law. It is inviting to sit in, and when you choose that chair for sitting, youre not sorry. And you wont be sorry you purchased this little lovely. I still cant believe the steal of a price it sells for! How could you go wrong?? Short answer: you cant!
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