This product is a good fit for my small room. It can be very shaky when I used an eraser on this table. It is not very sturdy but good enough for the price. I like the design after all the tiny shelf help me organize my stuffs. The edge is quite sharp so be careful not to kick it to hard. I didnt assemble it myself but my friend who did told me he had a very hard time with it.
I love the look it fits perfect. It does easily chip, so I would suggest ordering in black so you can use a black sharpie to cover over the chips. Still, for the price, its a great value.
Nice table. Hard to assemble.
This product is a good fit for my small room. It can be very shaky when I used an eraser on this table. It is not very sturdy but good enough for the price. I like the design after all the tiny shelf help me organize my stuffs. The edge is quite sharp so be careful not to kick it to hard. I didnt assemble it myself but my friend who did told me he had a very hard time with it.
Sturdy and does the job!
Great little desk!! Use it as a vanity and it fits all of my makeup!
Meets my meets, good for cozy corner. Nice
Enjoy it!
Cheap but gets the jop done.
Materials are cheap and end product is not very sturdy, but for the cost it works as long as your gentle with it.
This desk is nice.
Sturdy, looks great. Im so pleased with this purchase.
Almost perfect
I love the look it fits perfect. It does easily chip, so I would suggest ordering in black so you can use a black sharpie to cover over the chips. Still, for the price, its a great value.
Perfect fit!!
I love it!! Its perfect for my small work space !! Im super happy
Pretty good desk. Good for small spaces. Not as sturdy as I would like but still pretty good.
good for a laptop only
It was perfect for me !!
Perfect for small spaces !!!
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