This was easy to put together, sturdy, and matches my furniture. However, the drawers dont close. Ive adjusted the screws, changed them out, spent actual days to get them to close- they dont. Its frustrating but I guess Ill live with it.
Pretty good quality and looks really nice in person! Took awhile to assemble but definitely worth the purchase, came with a few scratches and nicks but nothing too extreme or even noticeable.
Product seems to be sturdy, and arrived in good condition. My only gripe is that they screwed up and included 4 ea. of 10 drawer side panel, and no 9's at all. This means I have to re-engineer the 10 panels to work.
This was bought as a temporary piece of furniture. With fine furniture being so long to be delivered at this time. We needed something at the entry for a catch all and for filling a new home. The assembly instructions were minimal, a few of the holes didnt line up as they should have. The completed assembly looks good, except for where the main screws or bolts were put in, they should have had some kind of plug or cover to hide the holes and ends of the screw heads.
It was easy to assemble, though it took about 60 to 90 mins to assemble. Final product is looking nice. I am using it as entry table and it adds the color to the room.
This is a sturdy product, however after getting it all together and going to put on the knobs we noticed that we have two different knobs and one screw doesnt fit for the knob (also different metal tarnishes). Its too much work to take it a part so we will be at the hardware store tomorrow trying to remedy the situation
assemble as instructed
compares with $400.00 table in furniture stores
Drawers dont close
This was easy to put together, sturdy, and matches my furniture. However, the drawers dont close. Ive adjusted the screws, changed them out, spent actual days to get them to close- they dont. Its frustrating but I guess Ill live with it.
Great hallway/accent table
Pretty good quality and looks really nice in person! Took awhile to assemble but definitely worth the purchase, came with a few scratches and nicks but nothing too extreme or even noticeable.
Missing 2 Drawer Side Panesl 9
Product seems to be sturdy, and arrived in good condition. My only gripe is that they screwed up and included 4 ea. of 10 drawer side panel, and no 9's at all. This means I have to re-engineer the 10 panels to work.
Fine light use console
This was bought as a temporary piece of furniture. With fine furniture being so long to be delivered at this time. We needed something at the entry for a catch all and for filling a new home. The assembly instructions were minimal, a few of the holes didnt line up as they should have. The completed assembly looks good, except for where the main screws or bolts were put in, they should have had some kind of plug or cover to hide the holes and ends of the screw heads.
Best guid to assemble and nice look
It was easy to assemble, though it took about 60 to 90 mins to assemble. Final product is looking nice. I am using it as entry table and it adds the color to the room.
Wrong size screws, two different knobs
This is a sturdy product, however after getting it all together and going to put on the knobs we noticed that we have two different knobs and one screw doesnt fit for the knob (also different metal tarnishes). Its too much work to take it a part so we will be at the hardware store tomorrow trying to remedy the situation
Never buy again!
Broken legs!!!! Omg wasted money!
Packaged very well for shipping. Easy to assemble, beautiful display table in my entry way. Well worth the money.
Subtle yet bold
Looks beautiful and was easy to put together based on the instructions
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