Wood is real, and sturdy for children to use. The assemble process was very easy and took less than 2 hours with two people working together. a little wobbly but we fixed that really quick!
Love this bed for my kids. Definitely needs two people to assemble it. It comes with all the materials the wood is very sturdy and the color is a nice dark espresso.
Very cute and easy to assemble. Just know that the whole bed comes in 2 different boxes. Youll most likely receive them on 2 separate days (we got the first box Monday and the second box Tuesday). I wish they could have shipped both together to save us some confusion (we thought the whole bed would be in one big box), but other than that were very satisfied. 5 stars.
We ordered this Monday, and it arrived on Thursday! I was worried about the quality of this bunk bed, since it was literally half the price of anything we could find locally, but I am extremely pleased with it! Very sturdy, no creaking or wobbling, and easy to assemble. I saw a lot of reviews that said it arrived missing pieces, so I made sure to ask the delivery driver if there was a second box (there was) and we counted all the pieces before assembly (they were all there). No complaints!
I bought it for my 7 and 12 year old. Obviously the 12 year old will be on the bottom after I reinforce it. Im afraid the wooden slats will crack. It came with some minor dents and paint issues but overall I like it. Well see how it goes.
overall great bunk bed
Wood is real, and sturdy for children to use. The assemble process was very easy and took less than 2 hours with two people working together. a little wobbly but we fixed that really quick!
2 people required
Love this bed for my kids. Definitely needs two people to assemble it. It comes with all the materials the wood is very sturdy and the color is a nice dark espresso.
Bed Comes In 2 Different Boxes On Different Days
Very cute and easy to assemble. Just know that the whole bed comes in 2 different boxes. Youll most likely receive them on 2 separate days (we got the first box Monday and the second box Tuesday). I wish they could have shipped both together to save us some confusion (we thought the whole bed would be in one big box), but other than that were very satisfied. 5 stars.
Quality Product, Very Satisfied
We ordered this Monday, and it arrived on Thursday! I was worried about the quality of this bunk bed, since it was literally half the price of anything we could find locally, but I am extremely pleased with it! Very sturdy, no creaking or wobbling, and easy to assemble. I saw a lot of reviews that said it arrived missing pieces, so I made sure to ask the delivery driver if there was a second box (there was) and we counted all the pieces before assembly (they were all there). No complaints!
Its okay!
I bought it for my 7 and 12 year old. Obviously the 12 year old will be on the bottom after I reinforce it. Im afraid the wooden slats will crack. It came with some minor dents and paint issues but overall I like it. Well see how it goes.
Very comfortable and great price
Nice bed love the color kids absolutely love it.
Sturdy and beautiful!
This is a great bed for our kids!
The are so beautiful
Great quality!
Well packaged, way to assemble, quality parts and everything lined up perfectly!
Sturdy bed set , lots of pieces.
Very sturdy bed set ! Easy to install but A LOT of pieces . I would recommend a screw gun to put it together. Kids love it.
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