This was easy to put together and seems sturdy. The drawers and table top seem to be good quality. The feet caps only came with 3 instead of 4 so I left them off because I dont feel like going through the hassle again of shipping it back (before I ordered this item, I already went through this with another brand / different shipper that also had a missing part). The color is darker than the photo but for the price it serves its purpose for my room. Overall I am happy with the product.
Great for my bedside. It holds a lot inside and the top is big enough for anything you need easy access too. I fit a humidifier, drink and a tray of random stuff on mine with room to spare no problem. Its not sturdy but its doing a good job. So it will be fine if you dont put bricks in or on it. If you look at the fold down drawers and think Gee thats gonna survive a hurricane you really need a second option before buying it, or really buying anything.
Love this nightstand! I was looking all over for something neutral in color and versatile. This has lots of storage space and still feels study. Great value for the price.
Nice looking and Saturday. Purchased for mom as a temporary night stand. She has dementia/ unfortunately pulls out drawers regularly. They easily fall out of the frame. The good thing is that the individual drawers are sturdy and lightweight. They have not broken or injured my mama.
Good material
It works for its purpose, made from good material.
Color is much darker than photo
This was easy to put together and seems sturdy. The drawers and table top seem to be good quality. The feet caps only came with 3 instead of 4 so I left them off because I dont feel like going through the hassle again of shipping it back (before I ordered this item, I already went through this with another brand / different shipper that also had a missing part). The color is darker than the photo but for the price it serves its purpose for my room. Overall I am happy with the product.
More than I expected
Nothing fancy, but exactly what I wanted. It actually looks better than expected.
Great for the price!
Great stand at this price. Perfect for my wifes crafts.
For the money. you cant beat it!
For the money. you cant beat it! The night stands look nice, they are very sturdy, and they are Wonderful for the price.
Holds a lot inside and the top is big enough for anything you need easy access too
Great for my bedside. It holds a lot inside and the top is big enough for anything you need easy access too. I fit a humidifier, drink and a tray of random stuff on mine with room to spare no problem. Its not sturdy but its doing a good job. So it will be fine if you dont put bricks in or on it. If you look at the fold down drawers and think Gee thats gonna survive a hurricane you really need a second option before buying it, or really buying anything.
Sturdy Nightstand
Perfect size and height for nightstands. Drawers stabilized inside so that the drawers do not collapse.
Totally worth it.
Love this nightstand! I was looking all over for something neutral in color and versatile. This has lots of storage space and still feels study. Great value for the price.
Good temporary drawer set
Nice looking and Saturday. Purchased for mom as a temporary night stand. She has dementia/ unfortunately pulls out drawers regularly. They easily fall out of the frame. The good thing is that the individual drawers are sturdy and lightweight. They have not broken or injured my mama.
Beside Cabinet
I really love my little cabinet. It is just the right size for the place I wanted it to sit. The drawers are large and hold lots of things
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