Just put it together so cant say much about durability. It was easy to put together, able to get both bed together in about 4 hrs. The instructions were mostly pictures but the hardware were packaged and numbered so well I didnt even need to read the written instructions. Shipping was fast with prime.
These look JUST like the picture. They are perfect for my 6 and 3 year-old children but are not very sturdy. They wobble when the ladder is climbed on; just slightly but its still a wobble. Overall, my kids absolutely LOVE them and they are just what we expected. Set up was not too hard, about an hour with two men. Instructions were easy to follow.
Sturdy and looks great
Just put it together so cant say much about durability. It was easy to put together, able to get both bed together in about 4 hrs. The instructions were mostly pictures but the hardware were packaged and numbered so well I didnt even need to read the written instructions. Shipping was fast with prime.
Good for us
These look JUST like the picture. They are perfect for my 6 and 3 year-old children but are not very sturdy. They wobble when the ladder is climbed on; just slightly but its still a wobble. Overall, my kids absolutely LOVE them and they are just what we expected. Set up was not too hard, about an hour with two men. Instructions were easy to follow.
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