There is no question this product is cheap Chinese crap / but its probably priced right. For 165 its a fair price. It was easy to assemble and the chairs are relatively sturdy as Ismaili the table / barring no wind. I purchased it because I intend to move within 2 years and rather not store outdoor furniture. I plan to travel and move abroad so instead I plan to buy higher end furniture at my next destination. This cheap stuff will suffice to a year or two and then I can sell it for 40/50 bucks or throw it out.
I would not buy this if you are looking for furniture that will last for years or if you are looking for comfort. If I get two years out of it / Im happy.
My umbrella keeps flying away. I live upstairs and it just wont stay put unless its down when the wind blows
a gift
I ordered this as a gift for my niece and she loves it, it was the right size and came in perfect condition.
Easy asdembly
Easy to assemble, about 10 minutes. Light weight.
Love it!
Love it! It is exactly what I was expecting, it was easy to assemble, very sturdy, and came three days early!
Worth for money
Chair could have been little more higher but overall worth for money
Item came without the tools/screws to put it together. So now Im stuck with something I cant return or put together
It is easy to assemble and sturdy
It was easy to assemble and is sturdy. It is also comfortable
Not bad / but cheap.
There is no question this product is cheap Chinese crap / but its probably priced right. For 165 its a fair price. It was easy to assemble and the chairs are relatively sturdy as Ismaili the table / barring no wind. I purchased it because I intend to move within 2 years and rather not store outdoor furniture. I plan to travel and move abroad so instead I plan to buy higher end furniture at my next destination. This cheap stuff will suffice to a year or two and then I can sell it for 40/50 bucks or throw it out. I would not buy this if you are looking for furniture that will last for years or if you are looking for comfort. If I get two years out of it / Im happy.
Lead based paint
Included a warning for lead based paint.
4 out of 4 chairs were bent,
Other then the four chairs were bent, easy fix, and for the price, My wife really likes the set.
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