Overall the product is functional and sturdy. I wish the description said that it was a product. After we received and assembled we found the exact same set on .com for 40 less.
Great material but the benches are wobbly and the center of the table does not sit flush when you open it up also the benches do not lock into place when you unfold them but other then that their good tables
Easily assembled and the holes in the base actually lined up. The brackets that hold the legs under the table top had to be realigned and it took a small hammer carefully tapping the bracket to get it aligned properly without damaging the glass top. Otherwise, it was easier to assemble than anticipated.
I like the appearance of the finished table. However, attaching the table legs was like a nightmare. The screw holes were slightly misaligned, and it took two hours to get four screws in their places.
Just what I was looking for
Sturdy easy to fold no damage its aming just what I was looking for.
Decent product but can be found significantly less expensive elsewhere
Overall the product is functional and sturdy. I wish the description said that it was a product. After we received and assembled we found the exact same set on .com for 40 less.
Quality tables and benches. Super fast delivery!
Super fast delivery!!! Right on time for the Memorial Day Cookout! Good quality barely any assembly needed. Very sturdy and spacious.
Benches are wobbly
Great material but the benches are wobbly and the center of the table does not sit flush when you open it up also the benches do not lock into place when you unfold them but other then that their good tables
Great buy for the cost
Good value for the cost
Easily assembled and the holes in the base actually lined up. The brackets that hold the legs under the table top had to be realigned and it took a small hammer carefully tapping the bracket to get it aligned properly without damaging the glass top. Otherwise, it was easier to assemble than anticipated.
Nice looking, but hard to get assembled.
I like the appearance of the finished table. However, attaching the table legs was like a nightmare. The screw holes were slightly misaligned, and it took two hours to get four screws in their places.
Would be an OK buy if wasnt damaged during shipping.
The umbrella was flimsy. Also it was clearly damaged during shipping as well as scratched. Now I have to buy a new umbrella.
Prices are reasonable
Easy to assemble
Grat deal for single or couple entertaining
Just what I needed. Sturdy and easy to put together with a socket wrench.
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