Instructions werent very clear and didnt explain the parts very well made alot of part look very similar but if you put them in the wrong spot the bed wont work. Had to take apart and reassemble a couple of times till it was right.
My grandson is very rough and tumble so we bought this for him. He loves it. It wasnt too hard or time consuming to put together. Looks nice. Kind of modern looking which isnt my style but it is safe for the grand babies to be on.
Came damaged(with the product no damage you the packaging). We made it work because the girls were already crazy excited.
Bought it a couple of weeks ago and its $70 dollars less boss.
It is a space saver.
The max height for the top mattress is 5 inches which is meh, but...
Pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to assemble. It came with instructions that were easy to follow, tools, parts and included spare parts. Upon finishing I was very satisfied with the way it looked and how sturdy it is. I have two pre-teen boys and it’s perfect for them.
Good for small kids
Great for the price
great and easy to put together
the product is great and easy to put to together
Instructions werent very clear and didnt explain the parts very well made alot of part look very similar but if you put them in the wrong spot the bed wont work. Had to take apart and reassemble a couple of times till it was right.
great for grandson
My grandson is very rough and tumble so we bought this for him. He loves it. It wasnt too hard or time consuming to put together. Looks nice. Kind of modern looking which isnt my style but it is safe for the grand babies to be on.
Not super sturdy.
Not very sturdy, so I put my lighter kids on the top. It probably wont last long.
Sufficient but...
Came damaged(with the product no damage you the packaging). We made it work because the girls were already crazy excited. Bought it a couple of weeks ago and its $70 dollars less boss. It is a space saver. The max height for the top mattress is 5 inches which is meh, but...
Very good price point and it’s durable.
Very good price point and it’s very durable. Will buy more of their products.
Great price
Great price but it had scratches on it other than that nothing wrong and took only an hour to put together!
love it. easy to put together
i loved how quick it came. was easy to put together, simple directions, tools were provied in the box
Very sturdy easy to assemble
Pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to assemble. It came with instructions that were easy to follow, tools, parts and included spare parts. Upon finishing I was very satisfied with the way it looked and how sturdy it is. I have two pre-teen boys and it’s perfect for them.
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