It’s a great bunk bed. It’s hard to assemble; I even hired someone to do it but it was all worth it. It fits 5 people comfortably with the trundle. Wood is sturdy and even adult can climb the ladder and it doesn’t sound like the wood would break. I hope that it will last in time. Happy with my purchase.
I bought 2 of these for my 4 daughters and they love them (as do I). They fit perfectly in their smaller room and give them enough room to play in between. I love the height from the ground so I can store things under the beds. They are holding up to 4 girls jumping all over them.
I love it! All the pieces were there and good quality. I have a king on bottom and twin on top. My toddler son and I share a room so this saved us a ton of space. Went together nice. Highly recommend.
This was a great purchase. It took a little bit to put together. No missing pieces however the boards under the mattress didn’t have pre drilled holes so I had to make them. It seems sturdy so I have no concern for safety. Overall, my son really loves his new bed.
I posted pictures of the easiest way to put the slats in. Takes patience- the full is the hardest and on that one I put tape to help hold first end in- but have to be able to pull out a tiny bit when lining up the other end. Also, helps to put something under all the slats like in the first picture.
Beautiful and sturdy bunk bed
It’s a great bunk bed. It’s hard to assemble; I even hired someone to do it but it was all worth it. It fits 5 people comfortably with the trundle. Wood is sturdy and even adult can climb the ladder and it doesn’t sound like the wood would break. I hope that it will last in time. Happy with my purchase.
These are beautiful
I bought 2 of these for my 4 daughters and they love them (as do I). They fit perfectly in their smaller room and give them enough room to play in between. I love the height from the ground so I can store things under the beds. They are holding up to 4 girls jumping all over them.
Love this bunk bed!
I love that it’s sturdy but light and easy to assemble. Definitely great for the price. Has a paint smell to the paint but goes away after a few days.
I love it!
I love it! All the pieces were there and good quality. I have a king on bottom and twin on top. My toddler son and I share a room so this saved us a ton of space. Went together nice. Highly recommend.
Box is missing a piece so can’t complete
I need an important piece. Number 14!!
Great purchase
This was a great purchase. It took a little bit to put together. No missing pieces however the boards under the mattress didn’t have pre drilled holes so I had to make them. It seems sturdy so I have no concern for safety. Overall, my son really loves his new bed.
Good end result but takes patience to put together
I posted pictures of the easiest way to put the slats in. Takes patience- the full is the hardest and on that one I put tape to help hold first end in- but have to be able to pull out a tiny bit when lining up the other end. Also, helps to put something under all the slats like in the first picture.
Love love love my son loves it amazing quality
They should put more wood mattress holder ..they are too far apart from each other
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