Frame is very nice and looks good once done. All the little bags containing the screws were mislabeled but once we figured out which were which it was fairly easy to assemble. It seems sturdy but time will tell. Some spots were poorly sprayed with paint and the black metal is coming through noticeably, but we have this up against a wall so its not a problem for us. Good item for the price.
Great product! Very sturdy. Took about an 45 minutes to an hour to set up. Some poles were labeled wrong but common sense made it obvious what went where. I re this product.
Cost of this daybed was very reasonable. Sturdiness is on par with the price paid so its not the strongest bed out there but good value for the money all the same.
I wanted a twin size bed to have an extra bedroom when family come to visit. This single bed frame was less expensive
than anything available in local stores and is quite study. No trouble putting it together. And no trouble finding a reasonably priced mattress in a local store that fits perfectly. As soon as company came, my granddaughter claimed it for herself.
Assembly was almost impossible, I had to use ratchet straps to pull the ends together to connect the frame. The poles for the center supports are very flimsy. Unfinished allen head bolts are a disappointment as well. Once I got it all together it seems fairly sturdy.
Nice looking daybed
Easy to put together for the most part. Its a nice looking daybed for my spare room.
For the price, it looks good!
Frame is very nice and looks good once done. All the little bags containing the screws were mislabeled but once we figured out which were which it was fairly easy to assemble. It seems sturdy but time will tell. Some spots were poorly sprayed with paint and the black metal is coming through noticeably, but we have this up against a wall so its not a problem for us. Good item for the price.
Sturdy day bed
Great product! Very sturdy. Took about an 45 minutes to an hour to set up. Some poles were labeled wrong but common sense made it obvious what went where. I re this product.
Daybed was good value for the cost.
Cost of this daybed was very reasonable. Sturdiness is on par with the price paid so its not the strongest bed out there but good value for the money all the same.
Pretty bed, hard to put together
This is a pretty bed but it was difficult to assemble as some of the parts were too long to fit in place.
Very sturdy bed frame
I wanted a twin size bed to have an extra bedroom when family come to visit. This single bed frame was less expensive than anything available in local stores and is quite study. No trouble putting it together. And no trouble finding a reasonably priced mattress in a local store that fits perfectly. As soon as company came, my granddaughter claimed it for herself.
Very difficult to assemble
Assembly was almost impossible, I had to use ratchet straps to pull the ends together to connect the frame. The poles for the center supports are very flimsy. Unfinished allen head bolts are a disappointment as well. Once I got it all together it seems fairly sturdy.
Not Bad At all
Set up is a breeze (if you watch a YouTube video). Very nice and sturdy
Sturdy and pretty
I like this day bed, its sturdy enough for everyday use and it looks good in the room
Value for the money
I got the bed for son and he love it
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