This should have been an easy put together for me; however, the bolts seemed to be the wrong ones. If it wasnt for my husband and his knowledge of these things, I would have had to return the sofa. He was able to get different bolts and put it together. Once put together, I am satisfied with the comfort and size of the sofa. It pits perfect in my sewing room. It is also very easy to convert to a bed. It is a little short for an adult and thats okay as we use it for our grandson to spend the night.
Very easy to assemble, tolerably comfortable as a bed. Not too sturdy, front and back legs on one side broke within two months. Would not purchase again, NOT worth your money. Spend a small amount more if you can, to find something with better quality. It will break within months
Easy to Build
Very light - really easy to put together!
Elegant design and SO easy to assemble a 92 lb. female like me could do it alone.
Firm mattress, elegant design, extreme ease of assembly.
Good quality!
Good quality purchase! A little bit hard. I am very please with these purchase
I loved it
I will recommend this anytime
Strong comfy just need to be longer wider
Strong and comfy except would be perfect if more wider and longer
So so
Good for the price
Worth the
Assembly in less than 15 minutes. Great product for the cost.
Not bad for the cost
This should have been an easy put together for me; however, the bolts seemed to be the wrong ones. If it wasnt for my husband and his knowledge of these things, I would have had to return the sofa. He was able to get different bolts and put it together. Once put together, I am satisfied with the comfort and size of the sofa. It pits perfect in my sewing room. It is also very easy to convert to a bed. It is a little short for an adult and thats okay as we use it for our grandson to spend the night.
Breaks within months of use
Very easy to assemble, tolerably comfortable as a bed. Not too sturdy, front and back legs on one side broke within two months. Would not purchase again, NOT worth your money. Spend a small amount more if you can, to find something with better quality. It will break within months
Easy to put together. Not as big as I would have liked, but still very comfy and awesome for the price!
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