Big and sturdy. Color is a little darker than what was shown but still works. Great price. Drawers were a little tough to get into the tracks but I like the locking safety feature that keeps them closed. Also appreciate that the back is as thick as the sides and not cardboard.
Excellent value if you dont rush assembly and it isnt a high-use item. Its durability is congruent with its price, so if treated gingerly, it will work out fine.
The package arrived early. All the parts were there with none to was easy to set up some parts require 2 people, the tricky part was the hinges for the doors. It looks beautiful! And is very sturdy.
Opened up the box and started setting this piece up. They did not include one of the main wood pieces making it impossible to complete. We called the manufacturer and they said that missing part is not available for another 3 months. Now we store the unassembled unit for a while until the part comes in.
I really like the looks of the finished product! It is sturdy and I was able to fill with a lot of files!! Just what I was needing!! It was a little difficult to put together, but if I could figure it out anyone could!! You do need a second pair of hands to help you. If you have been debating on a filing cabinet , like I was, this is the one!
While I struggled with the directions... After two days of assembly, this looks pretty nice. Its heavy so in addition to power tools, also have a muscular friend nearby.
Birthday present
Love it!
We are pleased
Needed limited storage in kitchen and this serves the purpose. Very easy to assemble.
perfectly versatile
I highly recommend. dont over think the directions, they can seem a little intimidating, just take you time it all comes together perfectly
Big, sturdy, and great price
Big and sturdy. Color is a little darker than what was shown but still works. Great price. Drawers were a little tough to get into the tracks but I like the locking safety feature that keeps them closed. Also appreciate that the back is as thick as the sides and not cardboard.
Take your time to assemble
Excellent value if you dont rush assembly and it isnt a high-use item. Its durability is congruent with its price, so if treated gingerly, it will work out fine.
Surprisingly nice quality and functionality.
The package arrived early. All the parts were there with none to was easy to set up some parts require 2 people, the tricky part was the hinges for the doors. It looks beautiful! And is very sturdy.
Disappointed. Missing major part
Opened up the box and started setting this piece up. They did not include one of the main wood pieces making it impossible to complete. We called the manufacturer and they said that missing part is not available for another 3 months. Now we store the unassembled unit for a while until the part comes in.
Above expectations
This is a nice addition to my office. As a woman, I had never assembled furniture before this piece and was able to finish it alone in an evening.
Just what I was looking for!
I really like the looks of the finished product! It is sturdy and I was able to fill with a lot of files!! Just what I was needing!! It was a little difficult to put together, but if I could figure it out anyone could!! You do need a second pair of hands to help you. If you have been debating on a filing cabinet , like I was, this is the one!
Nice and heavy office furniture.
While I struggled with the directions... After two days of assembly, this looks pretty nice. Its heavy so in addition to power tools, also have a muscular friend nearby.
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