Super sturdy and easy to assemble however there is a deep scratch in the drawer. Not sure how it got there but it definitely was not damaged in shipping. This thing was packaged very securely.
So, I received this piece of furniture in a sturdy well/packaged box. There werent any scratches, dents, or chipping in any part of this product. I found the color to be true to the image on the site. The legs and body are solid and easily put together by one person. I am happy with the look and feel of the product. No chemical odor noted like ive experienced with another piece I purchased a while back. Overall, I am very happy with this entry piece, but I gave it a 4 star rating because I am not a lover of drawers that are attached to the interior of the product and cannot be removed. That to me smells of poor quality. But what can one expect at these prices. Its far from being a Stickley piece but it will do for now.
This table is absolutely beautiful. It is a little difficult to assemble alone, but if you have a partner or friends assistance its a breeze. It looks much more expensive than it is. buy it!
Beautiful Piece of furniture but this is the second furniture item we have received from you that you placed a HUGE sticker on in a highly visible area that defaces the furniture. WHY?!! So you put a sticker, put it on the BACK!
lovev it
i coudnt ask for a better cabinet
Manufacturing issue
Super sturdy and easy to assemble however there is a deep scratch in the drawer. Not sure how it got there but it definitely was not damaged in shipping. This thing was packaged very securely.
Itll Do For Now
So, I received this piece of furniture in a sturdy well/packaged box. There werent any scratches, dents, or chipping in any part of this product. I found the color to be true to the image on the site. The legs and body are solid and easily put together by one person. I am happy with the look and feel of the product. No chemical odor noted like ive experienced with another piece I purchased a while back. Overall, I am very happy with this entry piece, but I gave it a 4 star rating because I am not a lover of drawers that are attached to the interior of the product and cannot be removed. That to me smells of poor quality. But what can one expect at these prices. Its far from being a Stickley piece but it will do for now.
Great Looking Table
This table was exactly as pictured and Im super pleased with it. Its not real wood, as I think one would likely assume from the price.
Looks great. Tough to assemble because of alignment and threaded screws.
Like it but dont love it.
Its cute but not the sturdiest, also assembly was easy but tedious. It does the job complimenting my wall space.
Not a true color navy as the picture shows. It is a lighter color blue. Still a pretty color.
beautiful entryway table!
This table is absolutely beautiful. It is a little difficult to assemble alone, but if you have a partner or friends assistance its a breeze. It looks much more expensive than it is. buy it!
Beautiful Piece / Defaced with a sticker again!
Beautiful Piece of furniture but this is the second furniture item we have received from you that you placed a HUGE sticker on in a highly visible area that defaces the furniture. WHY?!! So you put a sticker, put it on the BACK!
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