It was difficult to assemble, and even after putting it together, it doesn't feel stable or safe for children to play on.But with the knowledge of customer service, it was quickly assembled.
The size of this set is smaller than expected. It's not suitable for older toddlers or multiple children to play on at once.So I just want to give it a 3. .
Disappointed with the quality
The quality of this product is disappointing. It feels flimsy and not worth the price.not good at all!
Misleading description
The description is misleading. It's not as sturdy or durable as advertised.I don't like it very much, so I'll give it a 2. .
Not worth the money
This product is not worth the money. It feels cheap and doesn't seem like it will last long.But my kids quite like it, so it’s okay. . .
Difficult to assemble
It was difficult to assemble, and even after putting it together, it doesn't feel stable or safe for children to play on.But with the knowledge of customer service, it was quickly assembled.
Disappointed with color
The color is not as vibrant as shown in the pictures. It looks dull and unappealing.But the rest is fine.
Not recommended
Overall, I'm not satisfied with this purchase and would not recommend it to others.But the express delivery is very good.
Poor design
The design of this set is not practical. It doesn't provide a safe and enjoyable playing experience for kids.
Lack of stability
This set lacks stability. It wobbles and feels unsafe, especially when kids are using it.But the color is still pretty good
Flimsy materials
The materials used in this set are flimsy and easily breakable. It doesn't feel like it will last long.Overall it's okay
Disappointed with size
The size of this set is smaller than expected. It's not suitable for older toddlers or multiple children to play on at once.So I just want to give it a 3. .
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