My bed broke so I purchased this frame. It has been great so far. Easy to put together, has been able to hold me and my son, and overall great especially given the price. No complaints!
This frame is pretty easy to put together. Did not need to break out my tool box. I have been using it for about a year now and one side started to make that metal creek noise when moving around in bed but I just loosened those screws and then re/tightened and it is fine now, no noise what so ever. Very good frame for this price
Edges are a bit larger than mattress
Great product, great price I just dislike that theres a bit of extra frame sticking out
Sturdy and easy to put together. Well packed.
Came well packed and was easy to assemble. Sturdy and things lined up well.
Great option for cheap
My bed broke so I purchased this frame. It has been great so far. Easy to put together, has been able to hold me and my son, and overall great especially given the price. No complaints!
Sturdy bed
It didnt take long to assemble and i like that you have the ability to add a headboard if you choose.
Pretty good material
Pretty good material wider than expected so a twin bed will leave slack
Its the best frame you can buy for that money. Easy to set up and carry
Good bang for your buck
Easy to assemble, nice and sturdy for the price. Its been holding up pretty well
Highly recommended!
Very easy to assemble!
Not too shabby
This frame is pretty easy to put together. Did not need to break out my tool box. I have been using it for about a year now and one side started to make that metal creek noise when moving around in bed but I just loosened those screws and then re/tightened and it is fine now, no noise what so ever. Very good frame for this price
This is a great purchase at a great price.
I love this item so much purchased a second one
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