Literally zero complaints! It came without damage and everything already assemble and the stand is super sturdy. The box was heavy but the mirror itself is easy to move around
I hung this in my bathroom and it was the perfect size to go over the double sinks. It was packaged really well and didnt have any damage. The mirror is fairly heavy and feels like good quality for the price, however the corners are sharp so be careful when moving it. That being said, the frame itself looks really nice. Cheaper mirrors tend to have cheap looking frames with gaps, but this one was streamlines and evenly matched at all corners. The black is a nice solid matte color without any streaks or weird patterns. I would definitely recommend this!
As for the stand it came with- It was already attached in the box so if you intend to use it as a Mirror mirror you wont have to do any assembly. (It was a little bit loose so maybe check the screws on the stand before setting it up.) Removing the stand was a matter of unscrewing a few pieces and it was super easy.
I've been wanting to get a full length, floor mirror for a while, but just kept putting it off. So glad I finally did it! This mirror came super quickly, was packaged well, and is absolutely perfect for my room. It is simple and elegant and will go with most any decor. I will be getting one for our guest room next.
Exactly as described, looks great in room.
The size is perfect and looks really good.
I love this!
Literally zero complaints! It came without damage and everything already assemble and the stand is super sturdy. The box was heavy but the mirror itself is easy to move around
Great looking mirror
I hung this in my bathroom and it was the perfect size to go over the double sinks. It was packaged really well and didnt have any damage. The mirror is fairly heavy and feels like good quality for the price, however the corners are sharp so be careful when moving it. That being said, the frame itself looks really nice. Cheaper mirrors tend to have cheap looking frames with gaps, but this one was streamlines and evenly matched at all corners. The black is a nice solid matte color without any streaks or weird patterns. I would definitely recommend this! As for the stand it came with- It was already attached in the box so if you intend to use it as a Mirror mirror you wont have to do any assembly. (It was a little bit loose so maybe check the screws on the stand before setting it up.) Removing the stand was a matter of unscrewing a few pieces and it was super easy.
Quality, Sturdy Mirror
A good, solid mirror. I mounted it on the back of a door and it works great.
Absolutely love it
Love it. Just as pictures and packaged very well
Great floor mirror
Great mirror, looks beautiful
Packaged with care. Arrived in perfect condition. Its being used in a home gym; its just perfect!
Packaged with care. Arrived in perfect condition.
Large Full Body Mirror
Very happy with this purchase! Love that it has a stand! And shipped fast.
Just what my room needed to glam it up a bit!
I've been wanting to get a full length, floor mirror for a while, but just kept putting it off. So glad I finally did it! This mirror came super quickly, was packaged well, and is absolutely perfect for my room. It is simple and elegant and will go with most any decor. I will be getting one for our guest room next.
High quality,absolutely perfect.
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