Took a while to put together. Very sturdy beds. Does need bunky boards or something to help distribute weight on the slats. The slats bow when an adult is on them, but its an easy fix! Best purchase for the kids this year!
We got my son the twin over full. He loves it. My husband built it all by himself in about 4 hrs. Its a very sturdy bed and a few adults have already tested it out and slept in it as well with no issues.
This was super easy to assemble with 2 people. Took less than 1 hour. My son loves it. Super sturdy. No creaking. Good value. I would buy again. Color is super modern and goes with any decor.
I spent months looking for a bunk bed for my kids. Im so glad I found this one. Its very sturdy with a 400 pound weight limit on each bunk. There is zero wiggle structurally and it was easy to assemble. Buy this one, but watch the price it varies a lot. Your purchase price should start with a 3 or a 4.
This bed wasnt necessarily difficult to put together, but its a lengthy process. You need two adults to put it together. Its very cute and feels quite sturdy. What you get is great for the price. I have two happy little girls.
good color and style. assembly instructions are unclear - some of the worst Ive seen. My product came damaged but fortunately in a small location that doesnt cause a functional problem and isnt even visible.
Took a while to put together. Very sturdy beds. Does need bunky boards or something to help distribute weight on the slats. The slats bow when an adult is on them, but its an easy fix! Best purchase for the kids this year!
Great sturdy bunkbed
We got my son the twin over full. He loves it. My husband built it all by himself in about 4 hrs. Its a very sturdy bed and a few adults have already tested it out and slept in it as well with no issues.
Sturdy and Modern for kids room!
This was super easy to assemble with 2 people. Took less than 1 hour. My son loves it. Super sturdy. No creaking. Good value. I would buy again. Color is super modern and goes with any decor.
Rock solid and easy to assemble
I spent months looking for a bunk bed for my kids. Im so glad I found this one. Its very sturdy with a 400 pound weight limit on each bunk. There is zero wiggle structurally and it was easy to assemble. Buy this one, but watch the price it varies a lot. Your purchase price should start with a 3 or a 4.
Pleased with product and seller.
Frame looks great and so far so good!!
We have two of them!
Perfect for grand girls room.
Best Bed ever
The bed is very sturdy. Best bed for the money. Well worth it.
Cute and great size
This bed wasnt necessarily difficult to put together, but its a lengthy process. You need two adults to put it together. Its very cute and feels quite sturdy. What you get is great for the price. I have two happy little girls.
Difficult to assemble
Paint was chipped in several areas
install instructions are terrible
good color and style. assembly instructions are unclear - some of the worst Ive seen. My product came damaged but fortunately in a small location that doesnt cause a functional problem and isnt even visible.
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