I would recommend these beds. I purchased these bunkbeds and I am so happy with the look, the sturdiness, and how easy they were to assemble. The assembly instructions were so easy to follow because all of the parts are clearly labeled. I found these to be easier to assemble than any self-assembly furniture I've purchased it once.
My child can't wait to assemble the bunk bed with me. We are very satisfied with the effect of the assembly. Now my child depends on it to play every day
I think they should be made better, but for the price and in a world where it's incredibly hard to find good quality things, it's fine.Nothing is perfect, I accept it
Although the instructions are not always straightforward, they are easy to assemble. It's a very good bed on the whole, and it's very strong and beautiful
My children really like it. My children can easily help me assemble it. The color and size are just right, not too big or too small. There is still room to store things under the lower bunk, which is very practical for me
I like this bed. The only unfortunate thing is that I put a piece of wood on the top together and it broke in less than a week. There are no extra parts, so I have to go to my local hardware store to buy a replacement board, which can better support the weight. In addition, this is a very lovely bed, and the price is also very good. Except for a few stripped screws and some scratched parts, everything is very smooth. No other problems. Children like it
Very Pleased!
I would recommend these beds. I purchased these bunkbeds and I am so happy with the look, the sturdiness, and how easy they were to assemble. The assembly instructions were so easy to follow because all of the parts are clearly labeled. I found these to be easier to assemble than any self-assembly furniture I've purchased it once.
comfortable and safe
My kids really love it
Best Bunk Bed
My child can't wait to assemble the bunk bed with me. We are very satisfied with the effect of the assembly. Now my child depends on it to play every day
good product
This is a very good product, especially the price. I bought it for children aged 3 and 8. We decided to separate the bed
Great product, but it can be better
I think they should be made better, but for the price and in a world where it's incredibly hard to find good quality things, it's fine.Nothing is perfect, I accept it
strong and beautiful
Although the instructions are not always straightforward, they are easy to assemble. It's a very good bed on the whole, and it's very strong and beautiful
My children really like it. My children can easily help me assemble it. The color and size are just right, not too big or too small. There is still room to store things under the lower bunk, which is very practical for me
Very pleased
My two sons are enjoying the fun in bed. If we fold it up, we can save a lot of space, but they want two beds, so we still separate the beds.
Not very satisfied
I like this bed. The only unfortunate thing is that I put a piece of wood on the top together and it broke in less than a week. There are no extra parts, so I have to go to my local hardware store to buy a replacement board, which can better support the weight. In addition, this is a very lovely bed, and the price is also very good. Except for a few stripped screws and some scratched parts, everything is very smooth. No other problems. Children like it
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