Bought this for my daughter and she absolutely loved the bed. It was an upgrade from the twin. It was easy to assemble and it is very sturdy. Had it up for a month and no issues.
I think this is a good option if you need something convenient and cute. The draws are flimsy, but honestly 100 worth the price, I bought mine in October and I still have it. The white is still okay and not stained!! I think this is a great bed, it is kind of low tho but not too bad.
Structurally this bed is fine and there is a good amount of storage underneath.
That being said, I expected much better quality. One of the buttons on the heads board is completely different than all the others. In addition, the two side panels are unmatched/different shades of grey. The only thing that saves it is that they are on opposite sides of the bed. Side by side they are very different.
I had the bed for a few months and as an adult it held up just fine because I did not jump on it. Once my 13/year/old started using the bed it was broken within a month or so. I suspect its because she had five people at once sitting on the bed and people walked and jumped on the bed
Bed arrive before scheduled time ,took me about 2hours to assemble all the parts were in the box and the tools to assemble it . I read the instruction before then I assembled every thing was labeled and there was even extra pieces. I love the finish work its sturdy and the upholstery give it an expensive look ,the are huge for storage. I will update the review as time goes along
Nice and easy to assemble
Bought this for my daughter and she absolutely loved the bed. It was an upgrade from the twin. It was easy to assemble and it is very sturdy. Had it up for a month and no issues.
Nice Bed
Purchase this bed for my nine/year/old daughter. she loves it ! Also had great storage
Love it!
Great if you need something convenient and dont care about the details.
I think this is a good option if you need something convenient and cute. The draws are flimsy, but honestly 100 worth the price, I bought mine in October and I still have it. The white is still okay and not stained!! I think this is a great bed, it is kind of low tho but not too bad.
The bed great one problem
The bed to low but that not the company fault I am a woman and dont know measurement very well.
Mix matched colors between pieces
Structurally this bed is fine and there is a good amount of storage underneath. That being said, I expected much better quality. One of the buttons on the heads board is completely different than all the others. In addition, the two side panels are unmatched/different shades of grey. The only thing that saves it is that they are on opposite sides of the bed. Side by side they are very different.
Very good and beautiful!!!
Very good and strong bed!! Worth the money!
Definitely not for teenagers
I had the bed for a few months and as an adult it held up just fine because I did not jump on it. Once my 13/year/old started using the bed it was broken within a month or so. I suspect its because she had five people at once sitting on the bed and people walked and jumped on the bed
So pretty!
I bought this for my daughter and she loves it! It is so pretty and a great price!
Great value
Bed arrive before scheduled time ,took me about 2hours to assemble all the parts were in the box and the tools to assemble it . I read the instruction before then I assembled every thing was labeled and there was even extra pieces. I love the finish work its sturdy and the upholstery give it an expensive look ,the are huge for storage. I will update the review as time goes along
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