My grandson loves it! Had a problem with the battery and charger. The company was fast to respond and getting the problems solved! I would recommend this product!! Thank you for great service
I bought one in green for my nephew and purple for my niece for their birthdays (theyre now almost 3) and let me tell you I suddenly became the best Auntie ever!! My niece rides her on afternoon walks with my brother and he said it lasted the whole 30 min walk and they didnt charge it that night and it still rode for hours the next day. They love it! I wish they had one for adults! Great buy for your children!
So far the grand kids love them. I havent used the remote yet because the kids just jump in and spin, and spin. The batteries are well matched to the demand. Even with the lights and music going. On average they are being ridden a half hour 3/4 days a week and I am only charging them when the car becomes noticably slower which is about every other spin session!
Sad to say that my grandkids didnt get a chance to try these because both that I ordered arrived defective. But, I will say that I contacted the manufacturer and they worked with me and quickly gave me a full refund.
Great product
My grandson loves it! Had a problem with the battery and charger. The company was fast to respond and getting the problems solved! I would recommend this product!! Thank you for great service
Would not charge
Would not charge. Had to buy a new battery. Seller gave me a 40 refund. Car works fine now.
I bought one in green for my nephew and purple for my niece for their birthdays (theyre now almost 3) and let me tell you I suddenly became the best Auntie ever!! My niece rides her on afternoon walks with my brother and he said it lasted the whole 30 min walk and they didnt charge it that night and it still rode for hours the next day. They love it! I wish they had one for adults! Great buy for your children!
Spin dizzy!!!
So far the grand kids love them. I havent used the remote yet because the kids just jump in and spin, and spin. The batteries are well matched to the demand. Even with the lights and music going. On average they are being ridden a half hour 3/4 days a week and I am only charging them when the car becomes noticably slower which is about every other spin session!
Sad to say that my grandkids didnt get a chance to try these because both that I ordered arrived defective. But, I will say that I contacted the manufacturer and they worked with me and quickly gave me a full refund.
Great idea for a ride on toy.
These were a big hit for my great grand babies they did not want to stop playing with them. We all had a ball watching them too.
Great for toddlers and inside the house
I like everything about it So does my Grandson!!
Review to the seller
This stopped working after 2 days
Great fun!
Grandkids love these bumper cars!
was very cool, wish there had been more information on the product in box. Had to YouTube for info.
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