It looks great once you finally fight the poles into the holes because the holes are way to small but after fighting it for a couple hours you can eventually get it if you work hard enough on it.
It's a good desk for a smaller child. As you would expect for this price, the assembly/finishing isn't all that smooth. Some stuff doesn't line up perfectly and the metal is soft enough that if you overtighten things the result won't be straight/level. It's still a better than a particle board desk I'd say.
For a younger child, you'll want to be careful since the mechanism to raise/lower the desk could easily pinch their hands.
Overall this is a solid enough desk for the price that my child likes.
My little girl is 4yo. She loves it. Right now we using the lowest setting , and she can definitely use it for a long while. Very sturdy, and strongly made. She can easily use the light and the drawer. We were looking to buy it for months but were hesitant because lately a lot of products what we ordered from was worthless. We didn't regret to buy this. Highly recommend.
One part was slightly damaged
Got one part that was damaged
Daughter love it
Nice height love the light feature and the various compartments
Looks great after you finally get it together
It looks great once you finally fight the poles into the holes because the holes are way to small but after fighting it for a couple hours you can eventually get it if you work hard enough on it.
Really surprised
This product is much more sturdy than I expected.
Does not disappoint
Easy to assemble. No damage. Sturdy. Impressive quality and functionality. The wrong chair was sent but swapped it out.
Great Product functional
Easy assembly, sturdy and functional
Kid likes it, Decent value for the price
It's a good desk for a smaller child. As you would expect for this price, the assembly/finishing isn't all that smooth. Some stuff doesn't line up perfectly and the metal is soft enough that if you overtighten things the result won't be straight/level. It's still a better than a particle board desk I'd say. For a younger child, you'll want to be careful since the mechanism to raise/lower the desk could easily pinch their hands. Overall this is a solid enough desk for the price that my child likes.
The size,
The size was too small than expected as it was shown on the picture.
So worth it
My little girl is 4yo. She loves it. Right now we using the lowest setting , and she can definitely use it for a long while. Very sturdy, and strongly made. She can easily use the light and the drawer. We were looking to buy it for months but were hesitant because lately a lot of products what we ordered from was worthless. We didn't regret to buy this. Highly recommend.
That it was sturdy
Its kool for my grandson who is home on virtual school
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