The pieces are a little bulky for a petite person to put together, but the pieces fit together great. Its sturdy and comfortable enough. Good Quality for Cost
Perfect for myself or my husband and our toddler to sit in while holding baby. This chair is fairly easy to assemble and pretty comfortable. The only issue I have with it is that it does not rock very easily. You really have to push to get it to move just a little bit. Super easy to assemble and so worth the money!
Ours arrived faster than estimated. My husband did need to drill new holes for one of the legs as they didnt line up. Overall pleased, but think it will be a little short from front to back when nursing both of our twins with the TwinZ pillow. I can see us using it to read together as our children get older. I have not experienced it being hard to rock on our carpets yet. Functional design
Was looking for a rocking chair for babys room that was big enough for me, baby, and my 5 year old, for bedtime stories. This is perfect! HUGE. My husband and I can fit in it together, comfortably. So easy to put together too. Definitely would recommend! Good and inexpensive
We got this so I could rock and read to my 8 month old twins along with their 3 year old big brother. It is perfect! We all fit well and its cozy with some throw pillows I added. It does move a bit on our thick carpet when I rock so I do need to find something to stick under it to keep it more stable. Very cute, looks just like the pictures.
I love to sit in my rocker in the evening with one of my grandkids or my little dog. Its great value for the money, and doesnt take up much space. Very comfortable, affordable, and stylish. Just as pictured very happy with my purchase.
Chair is ok, was bought for nursery. I use mostly for pumping now. The size is great though. Its not bad its just not great.
Fabric is great
The pieces are a little bulky for a petite person to put together, but the pieces fit together great. Its sturdy and comfortable enough. Good Quality for Cost
Comfy and roomy
Really surprised by the quality at this price point. Color is nice and neutral. We all love it!
Comfy but.
Perfect for myself or my husband and our toddler to sit in while holding baby. This chair is fairly easy to assemble and pretty comfortable. The only issue I have with it is that it does not rock very easily. You really have to push to get it to move just a little bit. Super easy to assemble and so worth the money!
Good for price
Ours arrived faster than estimated. My husband did need to drill new holes for one of the legs as they didnt line up. Overall pleased, but think it will be a little short from front to back when nursing both of our twins with the TwinZ pillow. I can see us using it to read together as our children get older. I have not experienced it being hard to rock on our carpets yet. Functional design
Was looking for a rocking chair for babys room that was big enough for me, baby, and my 5 year old, for bedtime stories. This is perfect! HUGE. My husband and I can fit in it together, comfortably. So easy to put together too. Definitely would recommend! Good and inexpensive
Solid big chair
Nice solid big chair. We put it in our sons room to rock him to sleep but doesnt rock to well on the carpet. I like this one.
Great for my twin babies and my toddler
We got this so I could rock and read to my 8 month old twins along with their 3 year old big brother. It is perfect! We all fit well and its cozy with some throw pillows I added. It does move a bit on our thick carpet when I rock so I do need to find something to stick under it to keep it more stable. Very cute, looks just like the pictures.
Rock around the clock.
I love to sit in my rocker in the evening with one of my grandkids or my little dog. Its great value for the money, and doesnt take up much space. Very comfortable, affordable, and stylish. Just as pictured very happy with my purchase.
Not a bad rocker
It is big. It is also very stiff, but workable. Style and purpose
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